London event

October 2nd, 2006 | Uncategorized

Thanks again to Pam Isherwood for keeping me apprised of what’s going on with the UK release of Fun Home. (If you ever tire of photography, P, you should consider becoming a publicist.)

I’ll be doing a reading at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, (which is right on the Mall) Monday the 23rd of October. At 6:45pm.

Also on the London front, Fun Home got a nice review on BBC Collective.

17 Responses to “London event”

  1. Alex K says:

    They claim you for the 23rd on their website – a Monday –

    see also last week’s NEW STATESMAN for a nice review.

  2. PKintheUK says:

    Thanks for putting up the details! I saw you in SF, but I might come down and see you here, too. Maybe I will drag the campus LGBT group with me.

  3. Jeez, Alex. Thanks for catching that. I fixed it.

  4. Pam Isherwood says:

    That’ll be 10%, thanks. P.

  5. fjm says:

    Oh bother! I take a maths class on Monday nights (as a student, not the teacher).

    Will you be in London for long? Are there any other venues planned?

  6. alex says:

    any other uk dates planned? manchester’s really nice this time of year…

  7. R says:

    Its half term week yeah!!….So i will hopefully see u in London vicar!!. Ditto the anymore dates?

  8. Jaibe says:

    The ICA is very cool. Maybe the queen will come, it’s right by her house 🙂

    It’s hard to joke having just heard about the school shooting though 🙁

  9. Deena in OR says:

    Jaibe, I know what you mean. I’m unbearably weary and sad tonight. And sooo damn angry hearing about children getting shot. How do we take the world back???

  10. Deena in OR says:

    Sorry, all, for the off-topic post. Just world-weary tonight.

  11. Deena in OR says:

    Just for today…

    Could we all just stop, all over the world, and look at the humanity in each other’s eyes? Greed, hatred, anger, fear
    and revenge are killing us all, and perpetuating themselves with each bullet, each blow, each word of hate.

    It’s so simple, and yet so hard. All we have to do is to stop. To think. To understand that we are all equal as humans. To replace that selfish word or deed with one that recognizes the dignity and worth of the “enemy”, exactly as they are in this moment in time. To take a millisecond to see from behind the eyes of the “other.” Until we all do that, the bombs will continue to explode, the bullets to fly, the earth to be exploited. Fathers, mothers, children, our beloved will continue to suffer and die at the hands of others for no reason other than selfishness, greed, anger, and fear.

    Peace be with you all.

    Just for today, and all days.

  12. sunicarus says:


    The introduction and conclusion of your statement reading “Just for today…”
    reminds me of a Reiki philosophy my friend gave to me.

    Just for today i will give thanks for my many blessings.
    Just for today I will not worry.
    Just for today i will not be angry.
    Just for today i will do my work honestly.
    Just for today I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.

    Note: I am far from accomplishing this on a regular basis, but sometimes just meditating on these notions gives me some hope or sense of comfort.
    If you become a Reiki Master, let me know.

    Peace Out.

  13. Deb says:

    I am a Reiki Master.

  14. Jaibe says:

    Those are beautiful sentiments. But I think we do need to worry or else the people who do will keep breaking things.

    Also, I didn’t mean to imply that the lives of the Amish families are somehow more important than the lives of the families of the 50 Iraqis found dead in Baghdad yesterday. It’s just somehow easier to understand grief of people closer to your home, but honestly the people of Baghdad probably at least used to have lives more like the average urban Westerner than the Amish do. It used to be a fairly secular urban society. The Amish just represent some odd mythical ideal for our culture that we have we have, but since the both the victims and the killer were deeply religious I probably understand them less.

    I also apologize for posting off topic.

    How’s this for coming back — I feel like we are enacting a Stuart Sparrow Lois Ginger discussion.

  15. ian says:

    Just my luck! You’re coming to London and I can’t go! Any chance of you heading up to Manchester? Big gay ghetto – I mean village in the heart of the city. Heck, why not a UK tour? LOL.

    I do feel a lot of sympathy over recent events in Pennsylvania. I always thought the Amish were a relatively harmless people and wondered what someone could have against them. But the news we get in the UK (yes it’s world news and also a bit sick that the 50 dead in Baghdad isn’t) suggests the motive was personal revenge.

  16. Joanna says:

    Hi all

    Nice to know there are so many AB fans in Manchester. Go on Alison: venture north of the Watford Gap! But be warned: the rumours are true and it really does rain all the bl**dy time. Sigh.

  17. mlk says:

    Jaibe, I believe we need to remain aware of what’s happening around us, but worrying about it just isn’t productive. It does nothing to change other’s actions or beliefs unless it leads us to some sort of spiritual action (eg: prayer, sacred dance, healing work).

    Maybe it’s more productive to attempt what Deena has suggested:

    To replace that selfish word or deed with one that recognizes the dignity and worth of the “enemy”, exactly as they are in this moment in time. To take a millisecond to see from behind the eyes of the “other.”

    I’ve recently begun working with women who have been chronically homelessness and have mental health issues. Some of them, black and white, have “attitude.”

    I’ve always had difficulty knowing how to respond to people who display “attitude” and my recent encounters with black women who have attitude have literally left me speechless. I feel the barrier of racism in the U.S.; when “people like me” have attitude, I still feel some sort of connection with them because we’re of the same race.

    I’m coming to believe that much as I’d like to point out inconsistencies in what they say, much as I’d like to defend myself, it’s best to suck it up, say nothing, and do whatever I need to do in the situation to help them (make a phone call, unlock their door, write a letter). It’s given me a new perspective on the powerlessness that blacks have felt in white American society, and seems to be the most healing action that I can take.