voting in vermont
November 4th, 2008 | Uncategorized
Here’s my first-person shooter (mostly) video of voting in a small town in Vermont on a paper ballot on a golden November afternoon. No lines, no waiting, no touch screen problems. I was voter #454 at 3:30 pm. There are about 900 registered voters in town.
And I did get the champagne.
Oh! I’m just reading all your posts, and the pleas for a DTWOF election night panel. Man! I wasted all this time on the stupid video, and I should have been doing a drawing. Well…I’ll see what I can do. I got a lot on my plate tonight. I’m leaving on my book tour tomorrow and totally haven’t packed yet, or finished my powerpoint, or had dinner, or nuthin. Let’s see how the evening transpires, okay? Maybe Mo will live-blog.
162 Responses to “voting in vermont”
Will Clarice come out of her depression? I sure am ready!
Been listening to ATC, etc.
Do people even know what a bellwether is?
Been listening to ATC, etc.
Everyone keeps using the term, but
do people even know what a bellwether is?
Seems like a weird thing to want to be…
Mo liveblogging would be a wonderful election treat!
GO OBAMA!!!!. Hopefully i will wake up in a Obama world
Ok what’s going to be more satisfying? – seeing obama win, or the schadenfreude of the other lot crumbling?
BBC have just called Vermont for Obama.
BBC are refusing to call West Virginia at the close of polling. Good news for Obama.
Yay Vermont! (That was a real nail-biter.)
NLC, I didn’t know what a bellwether was until the other day when Holly looked it up after reading it in an article about Arianna Huffington. I always had a dim sense that it was something like a foghorn.
it’s 1 am here in scotland – vermont’s just been called (yay vermont!) – more to go soon – am snuggled up with my sleeping bag on the couch alongside a half empty bottle of wine, a cup of tea, a plate of muffins my neighbour brought over a couple of hours ago, knowing i’d be awake all night. Apopleptic about all the voting machine screw-ups – the Dems have had four years to challenge these, huh? Hope everything’s cool in Chicago later on tonight; hope Obama’s made it to the home plate; hope his beautiful daughters want to be president when they grow up.
You mean nobody’s read Connie Willis’ award-winning novel Bellwether?
Before I read it, I thought a bellwether was some sort of buoy to tell whether the tide was coming in or going out. Or something.
While we’re waiting, and in absence of any live-blogging by Mo, I was wondering how one of our friends was coping… (Apologies if I have committed any egregious cultural howlers…)
She went to vote alone. She couldn’t stand to have anyone near her, and her head was full of echoes: her father, her family, her friends, a thousand adverts and youtubes and bitter, bitter arguments.
She needed to do this on her own, but when she got to the polling place there was no peace. As close as legally possible there were posters and people handing out fliers – clusters for Obama, for McCain, and even a solitary gothgirl holding up a home-made banner for McKinney – and inside the boundary there were still people she recognised. As she passed a sign marked “20 Minutes’ Wait from This Point” she saw Mo and Sydney emerge into the grey morning.
“Cynthia, nice to see you.”
“Hi Sydney, Mo. Um, why is Mo crying?”
“She’s allergic to ballot paper perforation dust. Don’t worry, it’ll clear up as soon as we’re away from here,” explained Sydney.
“It’s probably a plot by the Republicans to keep people from voting,” Mo sniffed, dabbing at her eyes with the sleeve of her jersey. Cynthia noticed that the stripes were made up of tiny blue Obamas, printed so close as to be almost undetectable.
“Do you like my jersey? It’s my payment for helping Raffi and Stella box up t-shirts and send out bumper stickers. Their website has made thousands of dollars for the campaign.” Mo sniffled and rummaged in her pockets for a tissue while her partner continued,
“What they didn’t tell their parents till this morning is that they were also running, but that was an appropriately capitalist project. They’ve made enough profit to pay for their first two years at college.” Sydney grinned in amused satisfaction.
“If that’s the next generation I’m not sure we should be looking forward to the future,” muttered Mo. “We should get going. I’ve got work, and you’ve got a paper on… what was it again?”
“‘The Semiotics of Rifles, Republicans and the Ridiculous: Why Old Men Play with Barbie Dolls’,” smirked Sydney. “Goodbye, Cynthia.”
While they were talking the queue had moved forward, and Cynthia had to quickly step forward to close the gap.
It seemed to be a day for tears. Up at the front of the queue, just going in to vote, she spotted Liz and Beth McLaughlin-Farkas. For the first time ever their united front had cracked in public, and though she couldn’t hear what was being said, the body language and expressions spoke of clear disagreement. Elspeth was between them, crying, as the argument ran on, seemingly without resolution. Coming out of the polling place as they went in was a middle-aged, middle-class woman with hard hair and a harder expression, which ranged from disdain to defeat to lip-trembling despair as she gauged the length of the line still to vote.
Ahead of her in the queue was an ancient black man, incongruously sitting on a wooden dining room chair, and surrounded by what she guessed was four generations of his family. Every couple of minutes his son, himself seeming well into his sixties, would help him up and take his arm as he quavered forward, while a son or grandson would move the chair a few yards closer to the entrance. The son and his wife were both wearing t-shirts marked “First Time Voter”, and the wife was carrying a framed and faded black-and-white photo of a young black man in a mortar board and gown.
All these people, they seemed so confident. She wished she knew what to do. All she wanted was to be a good person: a good daughter, a good sister, a good friend, patriotic and honest and loyal. But how could she be? She knew what her parents thought of people like her, so she over-compensated as much as she could, outspokenly conservative. And she did believe in the virtues of service and restraint and fiscal rectitude. And, God help her, she was a Christian despite the knife in her gut whenever her minister spoke of ‘homosexuals wallowing in their own filth’. McCain was a good soldier, rich in years and experience, and she knew that for her family there was no doubt which way to vote. But then, Obama was the choice that most exemplified the other strand of her conscience, where strict morality met the real world. A vote for him was a vote for good, too: for a better safety-net, for a way to catch people when they fell, and a way to help people work together. Though her parents would never vote for him, she could see that her father, fixing the neighbour’s roof, and her mother, helping at the local homeless shelter, had plenty in common with Obama. And in every state there were millions like them, kind and decent Americans, of all parties and of none. How could she decide?
She was close to the front of the queue now, and the family ahead of her were at the door. The chair was moved to one side, and two great-grandchildren deputed to look after it as the others went inside. There was a tension in them all, she realised, and she saw tears on the old man’s face as he took the photograph from his daughter-in-law and stepped forward to vote. As he took the final step to the registration desk he straightened, and it seemed to her that he grew taller and younger. The man in the photograph was another son, she realised.
And now it was her turn. She gave her name and went through the formalities, still undecided, and stepped into the little cubicle. There were still a thousand voices in her head, and she didn’t know who to please. She had to fight to silence them all. Eventually they were all gone, and only she remained. She could pick any future for herself and her country, and all she had to do was vote. McCain or Obama? Obama or McCain? No-one, she realised, came to the job with enough experience to be president, and she certainly didn’t have the experience to cast a perfect vote, for all her luck and intelligence and education. She didn’t know what she wanted – she barely even knew who she was. But perhaps that was the real choice: who should she be? And she remembered the photograph of the old man’s son, and all the others who had, for one reason or another, never had the chance to vote. Was she jealous of her privileges, she wondered, or was she the kind of person who wanted to share her chances and opportunities with others? Who was she? With trepidation and a trembling, hopeful heart, she made her choice. And the tears claimed her, too.
Oh My GOD! Obama took Pennsylvania!
Okay, now I’m gonna go read London BOy’s very long post.
Way to go, LondonBoy!
@LondonBoy: Your post puzzled me more and more as I read through it. Why is she dithering like this? I asked myself.
At the end I realised: Oh! Cynthia! NOT Clarice!
My Emily Litella quotient is high today.
Londonboy, your Fanfic was moving, but I really don’t see Cynthia giving a shit about homeless people. Aren’t they just lazy? Won’t helping them just increase their dependence?
I bet Sydney is scouring her stack of catalogs to see where she can buy a John King-style magic map. (That guy is SO impressive.)
wow, wow, wow.. it’s 1.15am here in London town and drifting in and out of sleep,eating rice cakes, snuggled under a blanket… good news…. breaking and not…. oh lord, The Guardian site says Obama might have Texas!! Is this possible??
let’s see, it’s HUGE fun, and i cannot go to sleep…
SK, the NYT has a great map with constantly updated returns. (You can also compare individual counties with previous general elections to get a sense of the trends.)
It’s here.
Londonboy, that was terrific! I think Cynthia cares about the homeless—conservative doesn’t have to translate to monster, ya know…
thanks June, the NYT has a nice sobriety to it, i think the Guardian is a little over excited….
I think Cynthia just disagrees about government handouts for the homeless– free enterprise, and all that.
Somehow, I also think she voted for Barr (despite his waffling on gay marriage).
Go Obama go. We’re holding our breath in Australia too.
Yes, make Mo write some things. Or would that feel too much like a multiple personality disorder type thing to you?
Go Obama go
This reminds me a little of 1997 in the UK.
You’re probably right, Shadocat and C. Cynthia may care; she’s just into toughlove. We can’t just GIVE them food, they have to WORK for it!
London Boy… that was fabulous! I really enjoyed it.
Just got in from work and going to go watch the tube and see what’s happening!!
forget knowing what a bellwether is… what’s ATC?
All Things Considered?
That night in 1997 was the most exciting thing ever. The U.S. system just doesn’t allow for that superdramatic kind of “kick the bums out” drama, partly because senators and definitely House members have a pretty low profile. Even if Mitch McConnell (Senate minority leader) loses his race, it’s nothing like Portillo’s ignominious defeat.
Obama will win, I predict it without reservation. My worry this time around is focused on propositions like 8 in California, reclaiming the Senate, and individual state reps like Darcy Burner.
The Rethugs conceded the minute they chose Sarah Palin as Veep. Their strategy ever since has been to delegitimize an Obama Presidency, set the ground for future election theft by massive disenfranchisement, and advocating violence/terror by tossing red meat (especially racism) to their hate base. The real work for us progressives begins tomorrow.
But celebrate first. We took the reins back much faster than I would have predicted in 2004. Which just illustrates how much the conservative negativity had gotten to me.
I think it may be time to break out the Haagen-Dasz…
Glad you like the fanfic, and especially glad Alison liked it. 🙂
Fox just projected Ohio for Obama. If that is reality, that’s it.
BBC have called Ohio for Obama, too.
Opening champagne now. Here’s a little celebratory movie.

Shaken, not stirred.
oh really??!!
if you guys are popping the champers then I will trust that to be a win and head to bed…. thanks for hosting, i hope the rest of these coming hours are just brilliant!
wish I could celebrate now, but have to wait ’tilI get home from work; also would like to see how the Prop 8 thing goes in Ca.!
I feel safe getting out the alcohol now. I am so happy right now, I think I might even cry.
Virginia! Virginia! Virginia!
The polls have just closed in CA, WA, OR and HI. The BBC has called them all for Obama, and that’s it, Obama is over the 270 requirement in the electoral college… He’s President-Elect!!
Just watched Amy Goodman announce the next president of the united states.
Oh my god. I had no idea how depressed I’ve been for the past eight years.
JFC, the next president of the United States is younger than me. Only by a couple of weeks, but still.
Oh my God, it’s so beautiful! He’s being declared the 44th president of the United States. The feeling is indescribable – joy, relief, fear … JOY!
OMG, June. Now that’s a milestone.
wow. Sitting here w/ my sleepy gf & dog watching online. Think I’m gonna cry.
The AP is announcing that McCain has called Obama to concede…
5 am in Italy, where I am with friends, watching and listening to all the media we can, feeling so relieved and excited.
This is great and totally due to all the mobilitation and work you all did.
Thanks for your fanfic, Londonboy.
Way to go Allison, uncork the champagne!
I hate to rain on the parade, but New York Times is calling a Yes on Prop 8.
omg, I’m pinching myself—can it really be true?
Have just been informed I also have champagne waiting at home for me.
McCain in conceding—this is really happening!
In addition to our New President, here’s other
Good News:
~South Dakota voted against the proposed abortion ban.
~Jeanne Shaheen has been elected Senator from New Hampshire (I got to meet her daughter at Netroots Nation!)
~Mark Warner has been elected Senator from Virginia, a win that puts ~Democrats in both state senate seats for the first time since 1970.
~Kay Hagan has been elected Senator from North Carolina — buh-bye, Liddy Dole! (Trotting out last-minute racism did NOT work here.)
~Democratic Governor Brian Schweitzer won a second term in Montana’s gubernatorial race
~New Hampshire Democratic Governor John Lynch nails a third term.
~Democratic State Treasurer Jack Markell has won the governor’s seat in Delaware. Markell could replace Sen. Joe Biden if he becomes vice president.
~South Dakota Senator Tim Johnson (D), who missed most of 2007 while recuperating from a brain aneurysm, was re-elected to the Senate.
~Connecticut Republican Chris Shays, New England’s last remaining Republican Congress member, lost to Democrat Jim Himes.
~Colorado Democrat Mark Udall defeated Republican to take Senate seat
~New Mexico‘s Tom Udall, Democratic congressman and a member of a quasi-dynasty of Western environmentalist politicians, claimed the Senate seat vacated by retiring Republican Senator Pete V. Domenici.
Bad News:
~Susan Collins held onto her Senate seat in Maine.
~Indiana’s Republican Governor Mitchell E. Daniels Jr. won a second term, defeating former Democratic congresswoman Jill Long Thompson.
~Texas hopeful Rick Noriega lost to Republican John Cornyn for the Texas Senate. (Damn, damn, damn.)
Let’s not forget some ballot measures – Massachusetts just decriminalized marijuana!
CHAMPAGNE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As happy as I am about Obama, I am saddened by the passing of Amendment 2 in my state, FL.
Thank you, South Dakota for finally doing the right thing.
Proposition 8 is not looking good. (There’s a great map on the LA Times site, here. You can filter just for Proposition 8, or any other propositions that interest you!)
Holy. Freaking. Shit.
Listening to McCain’s concession speech. Watching the senate results creep toward a filibuster-proof majority. Obama’s got 338 electoral votes.
A democratic house and senate and a president with a mandate to undo the damage of the last 8 years. Also, I hear he’s black, which has some symbolic significance.
Great as this is, everything is still shit, of course. And I don’t know that Obama and the Dems, even with complete control of the government, can bail us out of it.
But, by the Flying Spaghetti Monster, there is a glimmer of hope. We will soon actually have a president who, however you feel about his specific policies, doesn’t fucking hate us. Whatever he does, he won’t be specifically out to get us. That, my friends, is change.
Man, I wish Anne was home (she’s in the hospital for a minor procedure). We should be celebrating together 🙁
I’m rambling, but I’ve got to add: this hasn’t sunk in yet. When it does, I expect to pass out from the enormous rush of relief.
Obama’s speech is coming up in a few minutes – I am wathing that fucker. And TiVo-ing it, and setting it to not be deleted.
It’s on….
i was at a friend’s watching the election results and i think i floated home. i am so proud of my country for electing this good man.
Let me just add… President Obama! President Obama! President Obama!!!!!
Watching up here in Canada, I was beyond happy to see Obama win. I wanted him to, more then anything, but honestly thought is just wasn’t possible. I am pleasanly shocked.And when He mentioned Gays in his acceptance speech I started crying.
But in the midst of all the happiness ,we have to take a minute or so to grieve- prop 8 passed in California. 🙁
I hate to be a Cassandra here, but isn’t your collective euphoria creating expectations so enormous they doom Obama to failure and yourselves to disappointment? To paraphrase the man himself, this result isn’t a victory, it’s merely the door opening to very steep staircase to the light.
As a Canadian, I must say I admire the generosity and service-minded quality of both McCain’s and Obama’s speeches. It make our little election seem so…well, little! (Not to mention we got our George Bush for another term)
DaneGreat: really? I had no idea that was on the ballot. Definitely go to visit the in-laws in Waltham over the holidays…
Hey here’s a good buzz-killer for you: I was just thinking: “man, I was expecting this to be a long, agonizing night. I thought there would be bloodshed. But that was easy…
…too easy.”
Bush still has around 10 weeks left to fuck us all over. Is it possible that Cheney et al decided that an October surprise would be be too risky – concocting a disaster just in time to keep people from voting in an election in which there was such interest could backfire.
But a January surprise could still be engineered.
Let’s hope that’s just vestigial paranoia talking.
Ohhhhh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Ok, I’ll admit it: I cried buckets. I was at an Obama party in town and four grown men were crying. Even Jesse Jackson shed a tear. I really didn’t realise how much I yearned for this moment, or how little I believed it would happen. The bad guys have been voted out!
I don’t know about Mo, and I know you’re off on your book tour, etc AB, but I’d really love to hear/see the reaction of Jezanna, Clarice, and Ginger. I’ve a feeling Albert would have a few words to say as well! If Jezanna was happy about Clinton, goodness only knows what she might be about something like this!
did you hear him say “gay and straight” in his acceptance speech? i cried when he said that and thought about all those who came before me and who put themselves on the line to get us to the place where the new (biracial, first generation, from a working class background) president would say “gay and straight” in his acceptance speech. thanks to allison for doing what you’ve done for our community all these years. (and also to del and phyllis, joan nestle, alix dobkin, jeb, alix olson, sylvia rivera, marsha p. johnson, and on and on and on).
What brooke said. Weeping/laughing in Toronto.
As for Prop 8: They can keep on voting until they get it right.
Hey ho history is made! As much as this day is for all of us, it is especially for African Americans. At last. This country has done so much damage for so long (hundreds of years!) — for which reparations must STILL be made — but today is a new day. I loved watching BET commentators and footage tonight. Am thinking that folks of color should have tomorrow off! It is “Barack Obama Day” — and not just one month for an entire history during the coldest shortest month of the year! Yes we can!!!
Much good news across the land, but alas for Prop #8, which spoils the day. Barack said it: Gay and Straight, Disabled and not disabled…. But California did the country wrong. How sad! 🙁
Alex ~ you were married legally for awhile at least!
AB – hee! Got democracy? “I dunno, guess we’ll find out…” 🙂
I got back about an hour ago from Grant Park…I’m exhausted, and have no voice left. But…how sweet it is! Very tired right now. Then I come here and read about Prop 8. Ouch. But I’ll deal tomorrow…to bed now.
President Obama.
@R2A: We still are. Maybe we’ll drop by Connecticut in a month or so and renew our vows.
@sillipitti: You’re not a Cassandra if your prophecy is believed, and for me at least, Troy might just fall. See David Ehrenstein’s LATimes essay “Obama the Magic Negro”.
Good night, all; tomorrow’s a school day, and this little rabbit is sleepy.
The “gay and straight” blew my mind. I didn’t expect to have that included in a victory speech. It was amazing to stand in the park and watch the results come in with 50-60 thousand like-minded folks. I am heart-broken over Prop 8 and Amendment 2 (especially as Amendment 2 is even more vile with the banning of all recognition for civil unions).
Hate to be a party pooper (and have been known to mix up states that begin with the same letter of the alphabet my own self) but DaneGreat, as far as I can tell, Massachusetts did not decriminalize marijuana but Michigan did pass a ballot measure that permits the use of marijuana for medical purposes.
Told y’all…it may not have happened at 8:00, but once they called it for Virginia, that was it, baby! I’m sending tons of love and luck to Hopey- he’s gonna need it!
It does appear that Question 2 in Massachusetts passed with 65.2%. It decriminalizes possession of small amounts of marijuana (looks like an ounce or less).
No, I can’t sleep. I keep going to that LATimes website and wishing that the Prop 8 numbers were different.
Which leaves me time, between pushes of the RENEW button, to ponder the downsides to Obama’s election.
Number 1: No eight-page spread in PEOPLE for Bristol and Levi’s wedding.
OK, your turn.
I would really like to renew my thanks to all of you who voted, made calls, volunteered, worried, thought, and expressed your thoughts. Although it is certainly true that at this point excessive expectations and hope may be a burden, you should see the results of the elections here: we are starting to think that maybe we can, too, while other people are starting to understand that it’s not good that immigrants’ children don’t have much of a chance of making a difference in politics in Italy. So, at least for a while and lest there are major immediate problems, the US is really showing the way in a positive way.
Ah, and if I may add: it is really really funny to hear Mr. Berlusconi and his ministers claim that their policies and Obama’s are basically the same (believe me, not true).
P.S. How about a woman, at some point?
Congratulations, America!
Maybe some people have inflated expectations… but I think it’s worth hoping that this administration will *try*.
I agree with sillipitti- remember the euphoria of the DTWOF gang when Clinton was elected? And LondonBoy’s comment about 1997 made me think “Yes- and look how Blair turned out!”. Sorry to be the proverbial bucket of cold water, but I think we need to remember the saying about history repeating itself… Sorry 🙁
[…] To paste directly from AB’s blog: […]
Ian – everything you said. Tears also in Birmingham and Middlesex.
Fireworks tonight in the UK, for bonfire night – may get just a bit co-opted.
If you want to get married, come to the UK, we have it all properly legally in place from central government, no messing with region by region doing it by attrition. Does an offshore marriage count?
How ’bout a picture of Cynthia, eyeballs on the floor …
Boris Johnson, Londons very rightwing tho maverick mayor, just said America is the world’s last best hope, and this restores confidence in america. Wow.
Wow indeed. Now we can breathe again. (Of course on Amy Goodman’s broadcast it was also said that we all need to help push Obama to expand his horizons of what can be done…) I wish my mother were still alive, she would be so glad.
Hip Hip Hooray!
How cool to see Alison and Holly celebrating the blue-going of my state! That’s when I broke out the prosecco as well.
And it looks like Indiana may actually have gone for Obama, too. For the first time in my adult life, I’m proud to be a native Hoosier. 😉
No, Pam I., we don’t have marriage here, we have “separate but equal”. We have been badly betrayed by Stonewall et al. over this one. The guy who runs Stonewall is more interested in getting his picture in the gay male rags (Boyz etc.) than he is in fighting for real equality. (There are a couple of scandalous rumours about how he got the job…)
And don’t give up hope on Prop 8 yet! The AP had this to say as of 9:45 this morning:
“With 92 percent of precincts reporting early Wednesday, the ban had 5,010,855 votes, or 52 percent, to 4,650,469 votes, or 48 percent, against. Late absentee and provisional ballots meant as many as 3 million ballots were left to be counted after all precinct votes were tallied.”
Least important first: possession of less than one ounce of pot will no longer be a felony in MA. It will (or possibly can, depending on the legislature, I’m not sure) still be a misdemeanor. It’s not legalized.
I feel like somebody I like and admire, but don’t fully agree with, has just bought a crack house with the intention of renovating it. The USA is in bad, bad shape. The McCain campaign has worked to energize the contemporary Timothy McVeighs (deliberately or not). Obama is a centrist. The current situation is not all that different from 1992, except that Bush Jr has left the country (and especially the world) in much worse shape than his dad did. If Obama can’t make some significant progress in the next couple of years, the 2010 Congressional election could easily be a repeat of 1994. Those of us on the left who believe in working through the political process are going to have to recognize the realities. If we go home and cry on our pillows the first time Obama makes some shitty compromise with some shitty faction, we will condemn ourselves to irrelevance.
Neither Cheney nor anyone else will try a coup. They couldn’t get the military (or anyone else) to support them, and they know it. I do think Obama’s transition team will have to be concerned about important government documents, which they will need to make a smooth transition, disappearing into private collections (or just into shredders). I’m not concerned about the professional bureaucrats, but definitely the political appointees. The Cheney admin has an established record of treating public documents as their private property. And they may have (legal) reason to fear some of their documents getting into the Democrats’ hands.
Wow .. I went from Channel 4, ABC, who were still giving Obama 170 at 8 PM PST, to Fox on Channel 13 who were announcing Obama as President-elect. I think the noise of my chin hitting the floor brought K out of the kitchen to see what was going on ..
Well, a few points to ponder: Prop 8 passed thanks to pro-Obama voters. Man, there is nobody who hates gay people more than black people. And how good a president will Obama be? We’ll see, but I see merely an empty suit. I can’t really see any particular hurdle he’s had to overcome, or any particularly great accomplishment to his credit. And sure, he beat Clinton. But what nobody recognizes, is that back before Iowa everyone was beating up Clinton and trying to pull her down, opening up an opportunity for Obama.
Oh, and puh-leeze, crying and weeping because some politician won an election, it’s pathetic beyond words.
Some Russian:
No, what’s pathetic is mocking the very real relief and joy of people who have suffered and who have felt hope.
I’m with AnaDemeter and sillipitti — in fact I think I have commented here before by pointing to everyone’s (except Mo) euphoria about the election of Bill Clinton. As usual, Cassandra proved to be right, if perhaps still too optimistic. What bothers me is how many of my friends who also lived through that period have largely whitewashed Clinton’s record, and remember him as a much more positive figure than he was in fact. I wrote a lengthy list of Clinton’s real crimes to one friend of many years who confessed that she hadn’t been paying attention to what Clinton was doing; I suspect she’s already forgotten it by now. It boils down to “When Clinton Lied, Many People Died.”
The same goes for Obama. Yes, it’s sweet that an African-American was elected President. Would you all be as thrilled, though, if the African-American were Condoleezza Rice, or even Colin Powell? I keep remembering something that Thurgood Marshall said toward the end of his life — that he couldn’t go around the country any more telling young black kids that if they worked hard, they might be the ONE black Justice on the Supreme Court.
So, we have a new President who wants to continue the U.S. occupation of Iraq, which means many more innocent people are going to die; wants to increase the size of the army; wants to escalate the conflict in Afghanistan; would like to attack Iran and Pakistan and who knows where else; promises to continue the embargo against Cuba and badmouths popular democratic movements elsewhere in Latin America; has pledged continuing support for Israel’s brutal policies; agrees that Social Security is in crisis and probably will try to privatize it if elected; has no solution to America’s healthcare problems except more corporate subsidies; favors the death penalty; talks about extending offshore drilling and nuclear power; voted to restrict the ability of Americans to get restitution through class action lawsuits; voted for the renewal of the Patriot Act and for telecom immunity under FISA; voted for the Bush-Paulson giveaway, and still professes his faith in “free markets” and “free trade.” These are NOT “elite” concerns. Call him a “centrist” or call him “the most liberal member of Congress” (and so many of his fans wished/hoped that latter were true), that’s his record, those are his promises. (On the Bush-Paulson-Obama-McCain giveaway to the rich, see Naomi Klein in last week’s Nation: )
What really bothers me is not that Obama’s fans are ecstatic now — those who worked for him, especially, are entitled to celebrate now — but that when he starts keeping his campaign promises, they’ll immediately start making excuses for him, if not actively praising him. It’s going to be a loooonnng four to eight years. (But just to prepare, I’m going to rewatch “Will and Grace” and practice the “I Told You So” dance.)
Don’t feed the troll!
I really came back here to say, it sure would be fun to see a blog entry from Mo. Even a rough draft Mo.
oh good grief, just how have you suffered, Erika? I suspect none of you people earn enough to pay taxes. have you been water-boarded by mean ole’ fascists in Washington? And now you’re full of hope because a black guy will be President? I remember when people thought W would be competent since he went to Yale and HBS. If only they had inquired how he got into HBS (hint: not because of his GMATs, college grades or accomplishments). Likewise, if you knew how low the bar is set at HLS for minority students, and how weak Obama’s professional accomplishments are (hint: offered tenure at UC, but with no publication record and teaching one course, Race and Law, a notoriously weak class), you’d be a lot more nervous about America’s future. Eh, wel”l see, good luck USA, you’re gonna need it : )
Imagine having voting MACHINES and tiny dots in tiny circles (and more than one!). In the UK we do playschool black pencils – one big X in one big box; and then put it in the battered metal case with a hole in top guarded by a man in a beige cardy eating a ham sandwich and complaining about the heating.
It makes me feel so…quaint.
Don’t feed the troll!
Duncan, thank you for that clear example of the kind of thing I was warning against. You are right that anybody who thinks a charismatic Democrat will automatically be on our side obviously can’t remember the 1990s. On the other hand, anybody who thinks the Republicrats are all alike obviously can’t remember the 2000s. (Don’t tell me what the Dims went along with. Tell me what they would have initiated, had they the opportunity.)
Your review of everything that’s wrong with Obama is helpful (seriously, no sarcasm intended — we do need to be realistic). But so is your statement of what you intend to do about it: go off and do the “I told you so” dance. I’m all in favor of dancing, but I’m hard put to see how it will make a political difference.
You know, there’s nothing like cruising around with your friends in your car with the music just cranked and everything going great. Look, even Barack and Hillary did it:
During my childhood here in Kansas, no non-WASP was ever really accepted as a normal citizen until John F. Kennedy was elected president. His victory changed everything for me and my family. Although most Kansas voters had cast their ballots for Richard Nixon in the 1960 presidential election, they had to respect the fact that the country as a whole had elected someone of Kennedy’s background to be our leader. My hope is that Obama’s election will have as big a positive impact for african-american children as President Kennedy’s election had in my life.
Lost in the major news of the day, several democrats were elected to the Kansas School Board yesterday. They will replace an equal number of conservative creationist republicans. This adds to gains that pro-science democrat and republican school board candidates made two years ago. Sadly, one democratic nominee for the board was defeated in part because of robocalls made by supporters of his creationist opponent that attacked him for being an openly gay man.
OBAMA! There was dancing in the streets of Boulder last night – what a celebration. The party spilled out from the Pearl Street Mall onto Broadway, with hundreds of people dancing, cheering, singing, drumming, and generally whooping it up. The police tried to clear the street for a few minutes, then gave up and just closed the street! It was a spontaneous outpouring of celebration and glorious exuberance – Boulder style. God, I love this town!
Here’s the link:
Enjoy, and relish the moment!
-Andi in Boulder, Colorado
Kate L, that is very good news about the school board! I’m sorry to hear of the gay man who lost, and I hope karma comes and bites his opponent in the ass some day.
Yeah, Andi, isn’t it a great feeling to be proud of your town? I was last night too. For such a large gathering, it had a kind of intimacy too – like a really big family gathered around the T.V. And later, lighting up the ganj to cap off a perfect evening of togetherness.
Wow. Never expected to see a troll popping up frequently on this post. Is there a link from the National Review or something?
Wow.. so sad indeed.
all I can say is that it made a difference to alot of people that I know who are african american and it is meaningful to me and it does make a huge difference in terms of how we are viewed internationally.
the united states of america elected a black man who’s middle name is hussein. I think that is a fucking miracle and well worth celebrating. I am thrilled.
I don’t expect any more miracles from our new president but he sure is a refreshing change from what’s been in the white house for the past eight years.
you can find fault with anyone but the sins are all relative.
I cried… it was an historic moment for our country… I’m proud and looking forward to what GOOD will come of this momentous election.
There is no doubt in my mind that we cannot change the world overnight but we can work hard to push back against the negative forces that rob us of a peaceful world, of hope and of belief that we absolutely made a difference when we cast our votes yesterday. We can have more than one day of rejoicing without hearing the songs of the sirens of doom and gloom. There will be time enough for those who seek to gloat at other’s short comings… at other’s lack of perfection. We are all flawed and our system is flawed but we did good yesterday! Real good!
Jesus Christ, some Russian, were you really gunning for McCain to restart the Cold War with your country? What the fuck is your problem? Care to return to your non-democracy and leave ours well enough alone?
I’m really happy about Obama winning also…but I’m also REALLY sad about the gay marriage bans. Those bans are just so mean. I just don’t get it.
Troll? I don’t see any troll. The fact is, Obama is not particularly progressive, and we will, without question, be disappointed in him. I’m certainly glad he won– I cheered but didn’t weep with joy when the news came through– but let’s be real. I don’t think any of us really believes it will be all rainbows and unicorns now that a biracial Democrat has won the presidency, but calling someone who is just being coldy realistic about the man a troll is going too far with the post-election euphoria.
But a little euphroria is understandable. I spent most of yesterday making get-out-the-vote phone calls at a neighborhood gathering of the Campaign for Change. In the last half-hour before the polls closed, I and another woman drove around to some of the nearby polling places to make sure there were no problems; when we got back to the house, people were cheering and we were handed glasses of champagne when we came through the door. Hooray!
And yes, there were people weeping. Most of them, after all, had been working for Obama far longer than I had. I made a couple of sketches– not very good likenesses, but I think I got the facial expressions, which is what I was aiming for. We cheered for Darcy Burner–an unexpected win– and were confused about the governor’s race. Chris Gregiore came on and made a speech which danced all around an actual acceptance, but this morning it’s a definite win. The Democratic candidate lost for Commissioner of Public Lands, which is probably the most important position in the state after Governor, and at the moment my local state legislative race is still up in the air.
Not an ecstatic night, but a damn good one. Now the real work starts.
Jana C.H.
Saith WSG: Every boy and every gal / who’s born into the world alive, / is either a little liberAL / or else a little conservaTIVE.
I for one am just basking in this victory. I get the most weeping hearing accounts by African-Americans age 70+ who never thought they’d see this day. Minnesota Public Radio had some coverage of local black pols and community activists reacting last night, and it was incredibly moving.
I have to say I’m a little irritated by all the “wet blankets” here. Can’t we have even 24 hours of euphoria? Please? We’ve had a really sucky reality for many of the past 25 years. Let us dream!
It feels unbelievable. My favorite moment, in an evening filled with fabulous moments, was when the gaggle of 8-12 yr. old neighbor girls I was lying on the floor watching the returns with, after the Obama girls came out on stage, started jumping up and down in their pajamas and shouting, “they’re our age, they’re our age!!”. Much as I would have loved to see a woman in the White House, I have to say, to think of a generation of little girls and boys growing up with the reality of two little black girls (not to mention a smart, funny, witty, beautiful and brilliant black woman) playing on the White House lawn gives me more hope and pride than I ever could have imagined.
…. and lest I sound like I drank the Koolaid, honest, I know he’ll disappoint us, likely in large and far-reaching ways. It’s the way it works. But, still. Even McCain brought a tear to my eye last night, in his classy, very dignified concession speech. Oprah weeping in the crowd did me in. Obama saying “gay and straight” floored me. Michelle and Barack’s high-five made me cry. Biden’s mother made me cry. The promise of a new puppy made me cry. The video of Indonesian schoolchildren jumping up and down and shouting, “Obama!” made me cry. Such relief, such disbelief. I just want to revel, for a few hours, before I have to become a cynic.
Jana, what was said went way beyond merely being “coldly realistic” and well into the realm of antagonism and, yes, racism. I can’t believe you’re standing up for that behavior.
Onward. In a listing of results for referendums and propositions, I read this sweet little nugget about Vermont with regard to Prop 8:
“Campaign contributions came from every state in the nation in opposition to the measure and every state but Vermont to its supporters.” So the motherfucking supporters of that evil prop received not one dime from anyone in Vermont.
To Alison: Grasshopper, you have chosen wisely.
Lurker-no-longer, I also thought McCain’s speech was very classy. The people in the park were applauding it too. (Also, I laughed when I read your account of the little girls! How fun!)
I’ve been grinning since 8:01 last night. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my,and the country’s, shoulders,and realize now how much the Bush has effected our psyches. It’s fine to revel,bask,glow,make merry. Reality will get here soon enough.
I was very moved by Obama’s mentioning a very special voter: Georgian Anna Mae Nixon,106,who has lived through disenfranchisement and the extremes of racism and sexism.
We managed to defeat some regressive and punitive ballot measures here in Orygun,also.
LondonBoy,I enjoyed your well-written election day story.
Yes, we won, thanks be to the FSM or the Deity of your choice.
That said, there’s still much to be scared about, and Obama will have to make political compromises. Hopefully it will all work out.
If nothing else, winning means we didn’t lose. And those three stalwart supreme court judges who may be leaving in the next four years will not be replaced by right wing Scalia clones.
Isn’t it funny how all of a sudden it is dangerous to have both house and the presidency in the control of one party? Guess that didn’t matter while GWB was driving us into the ditch.
WOW! Just got my copy of Essential DTWOF in the mail. Thanks Alison!!!!!
>>but we did good yesterday! Real good!
Thank you, Auntie S! 🙂 I worked the Obama phonebanks everyday for the last many weeks. I am exhausted. I am elated. And I am cynical, too. But hell yeah, we did good, y’all! Yes. We. Did. 🙂
>>I get the most weeping hearing accounts by African-Americans age 70+ who never thought they’d see this day.
Ditto,judybusy ~ pass the hanky!
Thanks, KateL for yr perspective on what JFK meant for Catholics — and Obama means for black folks, pple of color, and anti-racists of all stripes in this country. (– and not solely b/c he’s black, but due to his values, vision, leadership, and ideas) …however, very distressing to read here: ‘no one hates gay folks like black folks.’ (Guess you’ve never been to black gay pride in Chicago?!) ~ PLEASE find a way to look at yourself and your race/privilege issues… one-off polemic snipes at an entire (diverse) race of people (on what I presume to be a mostly white readership blog) are so NOT helpful!
I was so psyched at Obama’s pro-choice stance during debate #3 (even as I disagree with his views on 3rd trimester issues). I’m with you, just-a-guy, that at least we can count on some decent supreme court justices in the next few years. And I am PSYCHED by some of the names being floated for Obama’s cabinet (Cass Sunstein for Supreme Court justice, for example; and Samantha Power in the new Administration too!).
Party on, folks. There will be plenty of time to whine!
I know this is off topic, but I think some may be interested in considering this:
they’re our age?
I’m the same age as Caroline Kennedy and I got sick of hearign about it back when she was a First Kid.
To be more specific: we were crying because the right-wing neo-con [censored] were voted out and that a black man had been elected to one of the most powerful positions in the world.
All politicians disappoint. After Clinton and Blair we’re justified in having reservations about charismatic politicians. But it wasn’t until the impact of his victory started to sink in, and the relief revealed just how weighed down we’d all been by the neo-con cabal casting their shadow over the world. The weight is still lifting.
The British media have been showing the celebrations of the black community in the US. Their tears and joy set me off in sympathy. All the media have been drawing comparisons with Kennedy, naturally, and it’s a lazy, unoriginal comparison. But I did get an insight into how people could be swept up in the euphoria. I’m very cynical about politicians, but even I feel the stirrings of hope for real change!
I know Obama is more conservative than we’d like. Genuine socialists (and even communists) I was with at the party last night were laughing their heads off at Republicans who genuinely thought Obama was a socialist.
But you know what? I don’t give a flying proverbial for the future right now. I just want to sit and savour the rare stirrings of hope and celebration of the last 24 hours and make it last as long as possible after the sheer misery and nightmare of the past 8 years.
I celebrated today by buying a copy of your new book! They’re selling like hot cakes at Bailey/Coy in Seattle.
I’m deeply saddened and depressed and ranty about Prop 8 passing, delighted about everything else. (well, also sad that Missouri still hasnt been called for Obama yet… wtf is up with us? At least my county went blue, yay college town!)
It still feels like a dream, I swear.
dna: thanks for that link! Hahn and Torres were the only reason I watch that stupid show…
A bellwether is a lead sheep (as in leader of the pack) wearing a bell to bring the rest of the flock home…
crap-my girlfriend and I were planning on getting married in CA this summer. that’s what we get for waiting.
Em—are you in Columbia? Have they decided Missouri yet?
well, here in Moscow there are no girls bigger than a size 6, and I shudder to recall the chunky lesbian from Wesleyan in my law skool, or the porkers jogging around the campus. Jeepers you Americans are both dumb and fat.
As for Obama, a serious question: the Constitution is very clear, a monkey cannot be President. But it says nothing about the Cabinet and the Supreme Court. If Obama felt more comfortable around monkeys, could he appoint a chimp to be Secretary of Defense? You may think I joke, but think about it, from Condi Rice or Clarence Thomas, it is a short hop, skip and a jump to monkey. And I hardly think American jurisprudence will be improved by appointing a monkey to the Supreme Court.
As for you politicians, Dean was the only one of them I ever respected, and both Clintons are at least capable.
I am indeed in Columbia (oh man, downtown was so celebratory and alive. Normally it’s just drunk sorority girls shouting and WOOOOOOing in the streets but last night EVERYONE was.) I’ve seen different maps say different things, most are red but on CNN its still a tossup cause I think they still haven’t counted the absentee ballots. The margin is something like 6,000 votes(!) I don’t know why they dont just count the absentee ballots first, most of my friends voted that way and I hate to think theirs wouldnt be counted. I was extremely lucky that my polling place was literally right next door… roll out of bed, vote, eat breakfast, skip class and watch CNN obsessively…
It’s been awhile since I’ve been on this blog, you’re in St. Louis shadocat, right?
Oh happy day! Yes, I’m still feeling the pain over Prop 8 and similar measures. BUT… well, Nov. 3rd was my birthday. But I was so busy w/the election I didn’t open my presents from my sweetie (yes, now my hubby – yikes) till tonight. Sitting on my desk was that wrapped square book-like gift. Guess it escaped me the shape of Essential DTWOF — and I assumed I’d purchase it when Alison came to town on the book tour…. But – YAY! Now I have it! Like I said… Oh happy day! So Nov. 3rd was good. Nov. 4th was better. Nov. 5th is the best! (certain things notwithstanding…)
Oh, I’m in KC—I too, voted absentee because I’m handicapped. I’m insulted that my vote and others like it are counted last! (especially since most people I know voted that way, handicapped or not!)
A belated Happy Guy Fawkes Day to those who celebrate it.
Yay! I, for one, am going to continue feeling hopeful and happy about the election as long as I can. Wow. Big.
I, too, have been wondering what Clarice, GInger and Jezanna would be saying right now – as well as the rest of our gang. Would Stuart be gloriously happy or a big ‘ol wet blanket? Would Clarice go off her meds? Would Sparrow break out of her breadwinner cage and revert back to her new-age self and have some kind of ceremony?
London Boy – thanks for the fan fic. Loved it.
Interesting: my 4 year old daughter drew a picture of Michelle Obama on election day – with her face colored in brown. I’ve been volunteering a bit for the DFL here in MN and my daughter has been hearing about Barack a lot lately – but still, it was Michelle she drew, not him.
Ahahahaha… just went back to read the DTWOF of the cast discussing the primary and Obama and Hillary and Stuart’s “we need a female leader to dismantle the patriarchy” had me spitting up my metaphorical drink and imagining him eating his words when Palin was first nominated. But I bet Sparrow is happy to be wrong, as she initially thought Obama didn’t have the experience to beat McCain.
Man, could our electoral system be more counterintuitive and confusing?
People keep mentioning what DTWOF characters would be doing post-election. A quick glance at the Bios page reminded what I have always found off-putting about DTWOF. other than the accountant mom, and the token right-wing (but hot-hot in a right wing sexy kinda way) chick, every adult is either an earthy indie bookstore person (in an earthy sexy kinda way), a brilliant avanty lit crit prof (in a litty critty sexy kinda way), or a justice-doing type.
What can’t lesbians just be people qua people? ugh.
it’s so nice to have a space where ‘we’ can feel safe in our bodies, held in our relationships, celebrated in our diversity and loved for who we are.
Cruel words are so plentiful in the world, and I am not sure their use or value – but I know they are there.
“some Russian” I am glad you are proud of your country, and your people for their good health and well being – but just being cruel to another people, another race for the sake of putting words out there…. i just don’t understand that view of the world or of a world you want to create….
… Obama himself is stepping into a horrible job in a difficult world, and ‘some Russian’ I am not sure how what you write helps support any of us to make this world an easier planet to share and spin around the sun on.
makes me sad… but also strangely relieved to be reminded of diversity in all her colors and forms.
well, that’s part of the problem. I saw this “celebrate diversity” mania in my law skool and it was sheer madness. I respect smart and principled people. I do not feel compelled to “respect” people because they’re gay, or black, or whatever. I can understand both of those two communities’ wishes for respect, but in the US it is presented as a raw demand with no reciprocal obligations. and I tell you, nobody was quicker to call my girlfriend a “russian mail order bride” than feminists, gays and black people.
Obama my rise up to the occassion. But I see no objective evidence yet. Here’s a guy who since college has been coddled and goo-goo’ed over because he’s moderately articulate and black. Cass Sunstein has (ridiculously) described him as qualified for the S. Ct, a guy with no publications and no obvious great record as a lawyer or a teacher. And it exemplifies the ludicrous faith you people have in a guy who looks good in a suit but has yet to actually do something impressive on his own. Eh, I laughed my ass off for eight years watching W screw up America, I think watching everyone’s tender hopes get crushed over the next eight years will be just as good.
I do not use cruel words to wound, but to educate.
Deckard- not just any belled sheep. A wethe ris a castrated ram.
Some Russian-“why can’t lesbians just be people qua people”
Beacuse the DTWOF aren’t just lesbians, they’re cartoon chatacters.
Don’t feed the troll.
“Trolls to Watch Out For”?
I just got my copy of “Essential Dykes”! And it’s signed! Ok, I’m a little overexcited, but it looks so beautiful! And the strips are all laid out exactly as they should be seen.
And, to answer your query/dilemma at the end of the Introduction I think Dykes (and gayers like myself) ARE essential and synonymously the same as everyone else (because we’re all human) and different. I like to think of us as, to use a cliche, the exception that proves the rule. Proves in its original meaning of testing, naturally! To paraphrase the Oracle in the Matrix, we’re here to unbalance the equation and give people something to think about.
Just my humble opinion, that’s all.
PS I forgot to say thank you!!!!!!! Oops. But the book arriving just brightened up a very grey day in Blighty.
Please don’t feed the troll
I think some russian is maybe not a troll, but a dwarf. One of the Seven Dwarves, namely Grumpy. Jeezum Crow.
(fictional dwarf reference; no disrespect meant to smaller stature actual people.)
shadocat and Em…I’m pretty sure they have officially called Missouri for McCain. I too am disappointed. Stupid Missouri…if only I lived 22 miles further north I could be part of the oh so progressive Iowa 🙂
Which by the way, will end up being the first state in the midwest to legalize gay marriage (Iowa that is).
Unrelated topic:
The Comic Book Resources column “Comics Should Be Good” is doing a monthlong celebration of GBLT-related comics. They’re reviewing one a day. They haven’t done any of Alison’s books yet (I’ll keep you posted), but they have done Juicy Mother. The list (updated daiy) is at
Full disclosure: I occasionally write (and get paid! w00t!) for CBR.
Um, that’s LGBT. What a strange dyslexic event!
…because they are not just dykes to watch, but dykes TO WATCH OUT FOR — ergo, they are rabble-rousers, rebel-rowsers, trouble-makers, and feminists!
You said it Aunt Soozie!
>>There is no doubt in my mind that we cannot change the world overnight >>but we can work hard to push back against the negative forces that rob us >>of a peaceful world, of hope and of belief …. There will be time enough for >>those who seek to gloat at other’s…lack of perfection.
>>we did good yesterday! Real good!
You did! Thank you US of A!
After I finished wiping away the tears yesterday, and finally after an interminable day’s work got the chance to watch that victory speech, something became crystal clear. There is absolutely no point in being left wing if we don’t believe Obama’s rhetoric: “YES WE CAN”.
Yes, he’s a centrist – probably he couldn’t a’ won if he hadn’t a’ been. But… WE CAN. Something’s been happening to me in the past few months and it’s shaking me out of the ‘apathy’ of my generation. Naomi Klein wrote that amazing book, Australia, for the first time in my adult life, elected a government that was not spinechillingly right wing, Global Warming and carbon footprints have gone mainstream, People are actually trying to live with less dependency on oil – lots of ordinary people, I can get married in this country. (I did.) Yes, we are going to Helena Handbasket economically, but people with power are talking about alternatives, and not shock doctrine style alternatives. And now America really has, in my adult life, elected someone who wants to work for positive change and some measure of social justice.
At university I (of the ‘mushroom cloud generation’) felt that I had discovered that the environmental and social problems of the world were intractable. I joined Clarice’s mob, had a spell on antidepressants, and became thoroughly miserable. I didn’t feel apathetic, rather defeated.
And now, people all around are proving that we can. And I feel ready to have another bash at doing my bit. (If teaching in an inner London State School isn’t already – but I mean on a bigger, more systemic scale.) And I bet many of my ‘apathetic’ generation feel the same way. Having made excuses for eight years of defeatedness, though, I’m finished with it. I’m finally learning that people really can make change for the better.
However Obama may disappoint, he will make some positive change, besides which his election alone is monumental: and I will never forget the simple rhetoric of ‘yes we can’.
Oh, and by the way, could the third Billygoat Gruff please come and kick that troll into the middle of next week?
ksbel6- hmm… i heard today missouri was still the last to not be called, sadly wouldn’t surprise me if it is red, though at least the margin was close. And while I’m glad the youth vote was up this year, and while most of my friends did vote and did care, it still made me twitch to overhear some of my peers say shit like “yeah, but, like, i don’t care who wins, aren’t they both pretty much the same?” or (and I swear I am not making this up) “Um… is Barack Obama the Democrat or Republican?” I say that warrants a good bop on the head, Three Stooges style.
Oh and congrats for Iowa, if that comes to pass!:) Is it really being discussed in the legislature?
@ksbel, Em, and others
Missouri is still up in the air but probably tipping toward red. From what I read online, it may be a few days before that’s settled.
But there’s also still a single electoral vote out in Nebraska that hasn’t been called — and it’s tipping blue!
(Nebraska and Maine split their votes in the electoral college by congressional district, and if Obama takes Nebraska District 2, it’ll be the first time any state has split its votes ever.)
How cool would it be for a small chunk of that part of America to officially go blue?
Okay, Some Russian, I stood up for your right to express your opinion before, but now there’s no question you’re just being a troll. You are hereby officially ignored.
Jana C.H.
Saith Will Rogers: If stupidity got us into this mess, why can’t it get us out?
NickelJoey writes:
Nebraska and Maine split their votes in the electoral college by congressional district…
To add a bit more, both states do the following:
Two electors go to whoever wins the popular vote in the state.
The remaining electors go to whoever wins the popular vote in each congressional district.
(It’s nuts; but no nuttier than the whole electoral college.)
But, yeah, it’d be great to have one little blue dot out in the middle of all the red.
May I share this? I received the essential book in the morning of the 4th. I brought it with me to my friend’s house (where we waited for the results). My friend insisted to have it and I am not sure she got it that it was not a present. Luckily, I ordered two copies just in case.
My version of the DTWOF world after the election.
Obviously Jezanna, Clarice and Ginger are thrilled with the result and there is joy at the fact that the long national nightmare is coming to an end sooner rather than later – with two exceptions.
Cynthia – For obvious reasons
Mo – She is busy screaming loudly about the success the theocrats had in passing marriage amendments in California, Arizona and Florida. Sydney is trying to argue the point that Mo was never, “into getting that piece of paper,” but Mo pressed on and pointed out Clarice and Toni’s latest problem.
Ah yes, Clarice and Toni. The good news is that they have worked out in principle all the issues related to their breakup. Unfortunately, they have learned that their attempt to undo their Vermont Civil Union may wind up in Judge Booker’s court.
Uh oh!
Hmfphph. This did not link into my livejournal. I feel like I missed a party, surrounded by all the empty paper cups and streamers. Haven’t gotten my DTWOF yet. Hope its waiting on the stoop and I hope it doesn’t rain tonight.
I’m so glad Mister Crankypants and Caribou Barbie did not get elected.
Wow. I woke up and it wasn’t a dream…
The BBC has just had a very interesting discussion show, in which a couple of the participants suggested that Obama’s election was not a one-off event, but another step in an ongoing process (non-white ambassadors, cabinet secretaries, the last two secretaries of state, and senior military figures were mentioned). This seemed to me to be quite a plausible line of reasoning, but I also have the feeling that Obama has something special in terms of ability to articulate and work towards a goal, so my question for this evening is “Is Obama a natural next step in an ongoing process of de-racialisation, or is there some specific additional factor at work?”
I await your comments with interest…
just two short comments:
why is a contrary opinion always regarding as “trolling”
and what “long national nightmare”? In a comparable or shorter period, Cambodia saw 1/3 of its people die, and the rest starve, Nazi Germany killed all of its Jews and those in Poland and Ukraine, The Russian Civil War saw famine and death by execution squads.
and America under W? 400 Afghans and Uzbeks and Arabs in Git-Mo. A dozen (mostly very bad) people mildly tortured. S&P down 10%. House prices up, up, and then down some. Slave reparations bill still not signed into law (nor will be anyway). Fox News and NYT not pro-socialism.
God you people are weak.
Some Russian-”why can’t lesbians just be people qua people”
Beacuse the DTWOF aren’t just lesbians, they’re cartoon chatacters.
Oh, I mean real-world lesbians, merely as reflected by DTWOF characters. Man, the lesbians in my lw skool were all 100% about how great it was being a lesbian. Fine, but have some interests and ideas hat go beyond your immediate little world.
A troll is someone who stirs up shit in an online forum, generally expressing opinions that run counter to the group, and most often without reference to reality, as in this case. Whatever wet self-aggrandizement they gain from the effort usually goes right to the place in a person’s ego that is stimulated by the need to feel persecuted and misunderstood and that one is a special, latent Messiah. (The web term is “special snowflake”.) They’re usually manipulative, unpleasant bastards in real life. If W were computer literate and not otherwise occupied trying to rearrange the laws of the country to flood money into his business cronies’ coffers, he might be a troll, arguing half-incorrect opinion about the Federalist Papers on some political blog.
At the end of the day, they’re just unhappy people sitting in dark rooms trying to block out the silence around them, while the rest of us finish writing and go out and live our real lives, having more in our heads than just the impulse to be a contrary jerk.
Expressing opinions running counter to the group doesn’t make someone a troll, MC. Being a dick about it does.
Dissenting opinions, politely expressed, are welcome. Open contempt for those who disagree is not. Inflammatory comments are not. Deliberate insults are not.
To all interested in Missouri…you guys are right, they haven’t called it yet. I thought I had read on cnn that it was McCain. Sorry about that!
And yes, the court decision for gay marriage rights in Iowa is coming up, in December. Let’s keep our fingers crossed! It was legal for something like 9 hours last spring (I think) until some legal thing stopped it until the case was heard.
Right-ho, Dr. E. Yes, that’s what I meant. I wrote that at six AM and now wish I could revise.
Dr. E,
You crack me up with your simple direct definition…
being a dick about it indeed!
I love you!
and thanks all y’all…
I’m the worst type of lesbian you could possibly imagine,
all birkenstocks and peace loving… well, at least I don’t yet have a fully functioning hot, hot, hot compost pile like Holly… she tops me there.