October 24th, 2006
Thank you, everyone who’s been updating the blog about where and when I’m appearing in Paris! I finally got a programme from my French publisher.
Jeudi 26 Octobre, 19h
Librairie Violette & Co.
Vendredi 27 Octobre, 19h.
Librairie Les Mots à la Bouche.
Samedi 28 Octobre, 14h-17h
Le Festival du Film Lesbien et Féministe au Trianon, Paris 9e.
I’m not sure what I’ll be doing at a film festival. But I’m sure I’ll think of something.
Oh. Then on Sunday, I’m going to Brussels.
Dimanche 29 Octobre
15h, Bruxelles. I think that’s the name of a big comic book store there.
October 24th, 2006

I just arrived in Paris, so what do I do first? Get online.
Okay. NOW I’m gonna go out and walk around.
October 24th, 2006
My event last night at the ICA went really well. It was part of a series called Comica. The room was sold out, and had a great tech setup so everyone could see the drawings clearly. The brilliant and effervescent-to-the-point-of-exploding Lea Delaria interviewed me onstage after I read. This blurry picture captures a bit of her kinetic energy.

Talking with Lea was really fun. I’d been somewhat nervous, not knowing quite what to expect from the woman famous for saying about Hillary Clinton, “Finally, a first lady we can fuck.” She did grill me rather minutely about my masturbation habits, but other than that I think our conversation was very seemly and apropos. One topic she was interested in discussing was my obsessive tendency to record my own life, which reminded me to take a picture of the audience for the blog. So here they are. I think this made them a little nervous. Or maybe they were just appalled at such obstreperously American behavior. That guy in the front row is Paul Gravett, the Comica organizer

I signed books for a long time afterward—the museum bookshop sold out.
Then I hung out in the bar with some friends. Then we all walked back to Bloomsbury where they got on the Tube and I returned to my hotel.

That’s Jane Hoy on the left, and her girlfriend Helen Sandler—Helen’s directing the York Lesbian Arts Festival which is happening this weekend and which I’m very sorry to be missing. To my right is Lenna Cumberbatch, drag king extraordinare and my erstwhile webmeister.