August 14th, 2008

Hey, if you can tear yourself away from Olympic volleyball for long enough, check out who’s filling in for Keith Olbermann on MSNBC. Air America’s Rachel Maddow has put on makeup and what looks like one of Keith’s pinstriped suits (minus the shirt) to give us her blindingly brilliant take on the day’s news.
It’s very heartening to see such a big, smart dyke on the air. Also here’s an effusive profile The Nation just did on Rachel.
August 14th, 2008

Are you watching the Olympics? Are you freaking out like I am because you just got a tv the size of your first futon?
I just found out that there’s going to be a Chinese translation of my memoir Fun Home. Which is Read the rest of this entry »
August 14th, 2008
Gahlord my web guy is about to unveil a makeover of this site. I’m trying to figure out a way to put up info about my new book, The Essential Dykes To Watch Out For. This isn’t it…this is just some basic info until I can get it together to do something proper, because people keep asking me about when the next book is coming out.

The Essential DTWOF is coming out this November. It will contain all the strips I created since the last Read the rest of this entry »