September 26th, 2008

I’m home in Vermont after a three-day jaunt to the midwest, and look what happened while I was gone! The woods are aflame.
I carted State By State on my trip with me, which Read the rest of this entry »
September 23rd, 2008

This is me on the stage of the auditorium at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where I will imminently be giving a lecture. Out front, they have a computer set up with my blog on it. So I thought I’d make the blog be about the event.
I would like to have posted a picture here of the blog on the computer outside the auditorium. But I couldn’t manage that because I don’t have my camera cable, and my computer, with its magic internal camera, is all hooked up for the presentation. But I was able to use the magic computer camera to take this picture of me and the auditorium screen, which WAS projecting the camera image of me…but it got washed out at the moment the photo was captured.
Could you follow that?
Is anyone at the SAIC looking?
September 18th, 2008

Am I imagining it, or does there seem to be a lot of nostalgia lately for New Deal programs? A friend just sent me this beautiful postcard of a poster created for the Works Progress Administration’s Federal Art Project. There was a show on tv the other night interviewing old guys who’d been part of the Civilian Conservation Corps.
And today State By State: A Panoramic Portrait of America is released. This is an anthology Read the rest of this entry »
September 11th, 2008

Thanks to the couple of folks who reminded me that yesterday was not just my birthday, but the birthday of another lesbian cartoonist, the phenomenal Kris Kovick. Read the rest of this entry »
September 7th, 2008

What is UP with For Better or For Worse? First she was gonna retire, right? Then she was gonna run old and new stuff alternately, which she seems to have done for the past year or so. Then there was this big finale last Sunday. Now she announces she’s gonna start over again from the beginning?! Read the rest of this entry »
September 1st, 2008
I just went to Democracy Now to see what was going on with the RNC convention, which seems to have been called on account of hurricane, and there’s this big bulletin that Amy Goodman got arrested.
Also, in today’s broadcast there’s a quote from Sarah Palin’s own mother-in-law: “I’m not sure what she brings to the ticket, other than that she’s a woman and a conservative.”