Archive for November, 2009

my möbius shirt

November 17th, 2009

Photo on 2009-11-17 at 12.18 #2
No matter what I do to it, this shirt is always right-side out. I find this infinitely compelling.
Photo on 2009-11-17 at 12.18 #3
It comes in particularly handy when one is experiencing frequent hot flashes. Just whip it off. And when you cool down again, it’s all ready to go, no fussy inversion to perform. With the handy V-neck, you don’t even have to take off your glasses. (N.B., the most interesting symptom of perimenopause so far seems to be an uncontrollable urge to talk about one’s symptoms constantly, to everyone, whether or not they’re interested, which they’re pretty much not.)

Mo punkin

November 1st, 2009

Mo punkin

Lookit this cool pumpkin carved by faithful readers Rebecca and Sarah of Charlottesville, VA! They based it on Mo’s face in the episode where Harriet brings home a VCR.