November 17th, 2010

Remember when I used to draw a cartoon every two weeks? I miss those days. Well, no, I don’t miss the constant deadline pressure. But I do miss the regular sense of having achieved something.
I’ve been working on a new graphic memoir for years now without much visible evidence to show for it. Unless you count the reams of undrawn drafts I seem to have generated—that is, written-and-laid-out drafts that don’t have any real drawings yet. I just coined that term, “undrawn draft.” It sums up the paradoxical feeling I have from working hard but having no tangible product yet.
Anyhow, all that is to say, I did a cartoon this week for the Thanksgiving issue of my local alternative weekly paper, Seven Days, and it was really great to actually put pen to paper again.
November 10th, 2010

I just got voted into the Friends of Lulu Hall of Fame. FoL is a national organization whose main purpose is to promote and encourage female readership and participation in the comic book industry.

If you don’t know Nicole Georges’ work, check it out. She’s a cartoonist who also does pet portraits and every year she does this great animal calendar.

I don’t normally plug stuff to buy but this new LGBT site revel and riot is pretty cool. I love that someone has found a way to not just reclaim but make a buck off the “god hates fags” folks.
November 1st, 2010

Vote today for Nancy Goldstein in the WaPo’s America’s Next Great Pundit contest! UPDATE! Voting extended till noon on Tuesday 11/2.
And vote tomorrow, for god’s sake, to stave off the Teahadis. If you live in Vermont, while you’re casting your ballot for Shumlin, also vote for Philip Baruth for state senate. We badly need more novelists in government. And look. He made very clever use today of the annoying post-it type ads that always obscure the headlines on our local newspaper–you can peel it off and wear it like a campaign button.
Oh! Also, check out the latest issue of the online feminist journal TRIVIA, whose theme is “Are Lesbians Going Extinct?” It includes coverage of the recent Lesbian Lives in the 1970s conference that was held at CLAGS.