Speaking of real life…

June 17th, 2006 | Uncategorized

I’m afraid things have been so crazy with the book tour that I wasn’t able to do new DTWOF episodes this month. I feel very bad about that, because it’s the second time in a year I’ve done this. But I’ll be back on track soon. Here’s an archive episode. Click the image to go to the bigger version (thank you, Nichael!) [Strip is now visible here without having to go to Flickr]

...Before A Fall

11 Responses to “Speaking of real life…”

  1. NLC says:

    If you’re having trouble seeing the stipr full-size,
    trying clicking:
    This should work on all browser-types.

  2. Nichael!
    Thanks so much for putting this up on your site. I changed the post, inserted your link, and took out my whole apology about the browser problem with Flickr. You’re a pal.

  3. Deb says:

    Hey, it works great too! Thanks!

  4. Patti says:

    Just caught up with your last few posts. CONGRATULATIONS on your piece in the NYT. I loved Fun Home, and I agree, it is hyper-literary and worth many rereads through the years to come. Plus gave me new words and new authors to explore.

    Anyway, now that you are a famous mainstrean author (!) with a NYT review and all, I though I would jump in now, before you start getting 100+ comments a day on your blog, and tell you that I have been reading DTWOF for 10+ years, have all the books and reread them often and just absolutely love your work.

    I am a straight woman, mom of 2. I live in Easthampton, MA and was so excited to hear that you’ll be visiting Northampton. BUT, my sister and I will be at our old Girl Scout camp that weekend, for the yearly “Women’s Weekend.” We’ll miss your visit, so please come back again on your next tour! 🙂

  5. Emma says:

    I LOVE the way the current issues are all presaged in this archive strip. I also think the ‘Dude, have you got a tampon?’moment is one of the best lines ever, and that whole frame is worthy of a tshirt for drag kings. Or mug. Or something. Oh right, you don’t want to get into all that again do you…

  6. mlk says:

    I agree w/Emma, the strip is priceless — especially that first frame. takes me back to see Jonas before she became a hormone obsessed teen.

    don’t worry TOO much about letting a strip go here and there while you tour. share the book and your technique and the intimate details of your life w/devoted fans and those who’ve just discovered your work. you deserve the recognition. will see you in Chicago w/my book in hand . . .

  7. MoVicious says:

    I totally agree! That’s is the best line – as a menstruating drag king I can attest to the surrealism of the experience!

    I can’t believe I spaced on Alison’s visit to Philly!

  8. Cenobitetx says:

    Back when we first saw Jonas! I love flashbacks.

  9. KathyO says:

    That second-last panel is making my eyes misty… wouldn’t trade my family for anything, but oh, yeah, those were great times, when I didn’t have any… folding chairs. Ahh, nostalgia.

  10. Fernmonkey says:

    I was just about to post about the ‘Dude, do you have a tampon?’ line. Brilliant.

  11. Sir Real says:

    Yup, I love to see blood on my softpackie, personally!