
February 5th, 2005 | Uncategorized

Originally uploaded by Alison Bechdel.

Okay. I know blogs are an amazing new paradigm and all that, but there’s one thing I don’t get. Who has time to read them? I mean, no offense, but don’t you have something more important you should be doing right now? I don’t even have time to read THIS blog, let alone make newsworthy entries to it. In case you haven’t noticed.

But here’s something. Diane DiMassa just sent me…well, sent my cat, her new zine “Chicken Rules” and it’s frickin’ brilliant. Here we are reading it. (See how EXTREMELY busy I am?) All people who live with a cat should purchase it immediately.

23 Responses to “Catablog”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Dang, Alison, people who spend all day, every day, on the computer read blog — or some of us — and some us do it too much and have big old struggles about it and work and all that. But so many fabulous thing are found this way — like this, for instance. I live with a cat. I needed to know. I also read an entry on my livejournal friendslist this morning which was so beautifully written and gorgeous and important that it made me weep. And they give it all away free — hard to look away! xo Susan Stinson

  2. Anonymous says:

    “Important” is relative.


  3. Susan, I didn’t mean any offense to you hard core blogophiliacs. I just feel overwhelmed sometimes–no, all the time–by how much there is to keep up with. I don’t know how you do it.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Oh, I know — it’s totally overwhelming. And I’m hardly hardcore. But it’s something I really do struggle with — how much of the online reading I do is bathing my mind in the beautiful, strangely available river of myriad interesting minds, and how much is plain old fashioned procrastination? And is there such a thing as too much stimulation? (Um, yes.)

    Here’s to whatever feeds your work and a pox on whatever threatens and interesting mysteries from whatever does both.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I think the real answer here is that no one really has time to read these things, but we all do anyway. Secretly. Or at least how that’s how things are for me. On the plus side, it gives me the opportunity to leave silly messages like this to someone I’d otherwise never have the chance to talk to.

  6. mint says:

    i read now for my curiosity about your opus, your art, kidme a simple lifee! 🙂 thanks for the cat postures, the cat around, i no use well the english, im argentine, but i read perfectly your comics and are the real cat word and the femmy dyke too.
    abrazo amiga!

  7. Ah, the arcane but universal language of cat behavior. Abraza amiga to you too, diorama.

  8. mint says:

    i love your art, im from argentina, and the way you create the word of the cats and womans are como es!

    la curiosidad nos lleva a los blogs.

    abrazo amiga!

  9. Ellen says:

    What amazes me is that in February in Vermont, you’re wearing a T-shirt! My nephews in Burlington also run around their house happy as clams in T-shirts and bare feet, while I, bundled up during winter visits in poly-pro, wool socks, and three layers of fleece, am still cold. Or is there a blazing woodstove just out of the camera’s eye?

    As far as who has time to read blogs? For me, it’s a break between writing, prepping for class, and emailing clients (which I should be doing right now).

    Sometimes, though, I fear I’m losing the capacity to read deeply all together. I still do fine with books, but I find myself merely scanning newspapers and magazines, and wonder if reading on screen is wrecking my attention levels.

  10. Wow!
    What am I doing in a t-shirt in Vermont in February, indeed! That’s just the kind of anal-retentive detail I would notice and fret over in a drawing. Actually, I WAS freezing because I had to remove the black fleece jacket that I wear year-round in my cold house. When I had the jacket on, the cat disappeared against it. Kind of like a Cheshire cat, except you couldn’t even see her smile.

    But thanks for your eagle eye, Ellen. And thanks for your postcard from New Zealand. It just arrived yesterday.

  11. Anna says:

    I read a lot of blogs that are related to my profession (librarian). Often I find out about cutting edge technology or new ideas by reading what my colleagues are writing about, long before they show up in professional literature. I make time to read blogs just as I make time to read books.

  12. cresmer says:

    Clearly someone was procrastinating this weekend.

  13. Anonymous says:

    New Zealand? Me too! Dude, the net just proves to me that the world really is small.

    Just wanted to mention that dog owners/lovers will totally enjoy Chicken Rules too, I know Harry and I did!

  14. Lisa Rosman says:

    I always think blogs are what saves those of us office drones from becoming a nation of Dilberts. Maybe I just wanted to use the word “Dilbert” (it’s highly possible), but it’s also true that I infuse a little humanity into my magazine job by reading personal accounts in the middle of a day of scanning mind-numbing press releases and writing treacherously NYPost-like headlines. Jessica Alba-tross anyone?

  15. Ian says:

    do i detect an element of guilt here? i can’t work because of mental health issues and spend way too much time on the ‘net looking at things that either turn my mind to mush (gaydar) or things that stimulate me (like ur strip alison!). largely because i’m an isolated agoraphobic it gives me an amazing opportunity to communicate with people i’d never meet.

    it’s great, because i come from a family who thinks george w bush is a bit too left wing for their tastes (direct quote from uncle) and the more i read things on the net the more i become a leftie activist!

    i think people just have to be selective about what they look at – though i too find it hard to widen my searches from my usual website and blogs. info crisis overload.

    there’s a drama on bbc here in the uk (the rotters club) set in the 1970s – black n white tv, no internet, daily strikes, 3 tv channels – a completely different world to today and i remember enjoying it more. info overload anyone?

  16. Terrance says:

    Are you kidding? Reading blogs is actually my job. (No, really. It is.) Anyway, I just wanted to say I’m a long-time fan of your work. It’s helped me retain my sanity more times than I can count.

  17. shoshanna says:

    Alison, it’s great to have you in the blogosphere! I’ve been a huge fan of yours for a number of years now. Your work as a graphic artist is truly impressive, and it’s nice to have you putting your talents into blogging as well.

    I’ve already linked your DTWOF site, but I’m giving your blog its own link.

  18. lian says:

    blog surfing [livejournal mostly] is the best way to find out what my friends are up to. sad but true. we have this whole community thing going.

    also, right now i’m wasting time between the lunch shift and the dinner shift. [oh, the joys of waitressing. . . ]

  19. Anonymous says:

    They used to say the average American watches 40 hours of TV a week. (If I did half that I’d get a kid & do something useful with the time.)

    I don’t think anyone reads all blogs. Actually, this is the only one I read regularly. A lot of blogs have no comments on them at all. Many blogs are probably read by very few people.

    I did start making my own blog, but I don’t have time to post either, but what’s really amazing is when you flip through the random “next blog” links, that you can usually find a really good one within 10 hops. That’s so scary.

    I guess people have always written diaries etc. but now you can actually see them.

  20. Counter Strike…

    Counter Strike…