My Paris schedule

October 24th, 2006 | Uncategorized

Thank you, everyone who’s been updating the blog about where and when I’m appearing in Paris! I finally got a programme from my French publisher.

Jeudi 26 Octobre, 19h
Librairie Violette & Co.

Vendredi 27 Octobre, 19h.
Librairie Les Mots à la Bouche.

Samedi 28 Octobre, 14h-17h
Le Festival du Film Lesbien et Féministe au Trianon, Paris 9e.

I’m not sure what I’ll be doing at a film festival. But I’m sure I’ll think of something.

Oh. Then on Sunday, I’m going to Brussels.

Dimanche 29 Octobre
15h, Bruxelles. I think that’s the name of a big comic book store there.

18 Responses to “My Paris schedule”

  1. cybercita says:

    i just emailed my friends in paris telling them to try and attend one of your appearances. have a fabulous time — i lived in the 14th arrondisment for a little while and have never gotten over it. paris is my favorite city. i hope you have some memorable meals! if you have some spare time, i highly recommend a visit to la ste. chappelle behind the palais du justice, on isle de la cite. afterwards, go to place dauphine, the most beautiful square in paris and located right behind the palais. have a hot chocolate and tartine at au bar du caveau. if it’s a nice day, try to sit outside so you can watch the old men play boules on the lawn.

  2. A. in Paris says:

    Alison –
    according to the Violette-et-Cie bookstore website, what you’ll be doing at that film festival is sitting at their table signing more of your books. One hopes you will be allowed to see a film or two as well if so inclined, assuming you manage to tear yourself away from the mob of raving fans, new and old. Quite a few unenlightened souls who’d managed to live with no idea of who you are until now, will no doubt have just discovered you sitting there and might not want to let you go, either… Good luck.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Will you be able to go to the Centre Belge de la Bande Dessinee while you’re there? Just think, the city of Tintin.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Ooops, here’s more info…

  5. louise says:

    Alison, I was in Brussels (Brugge) last year and it is ADORABLE. Get your digital camera ready. It’s a medevial town, all the buildings are from the 1500s and perfectly preserved. And I went into that comic book store. Great Tintin selection. I was really hurting for not being able to read French there… Brussels is known for its chocolate and the most famous store that we were recommended to has some quite lovely chocolates in the form of breasts, etc., prominently displayed in the window. You MUST try the waffles of course. Great art museum too. And amazing beers and lambics are very inexpensive.

  6. matt says:

    Isn’t ‘Bruxelles’ just the French name for Brussels? I hope you figure out what you’re doing there before Sunday 🙂

  7. Ng Yi-Sheng says:

    I love Brussels!!! Chocolate, waffles, mussels, and an amazing blue-grey landscape… Paris takes itself a little too seriously, imho.

  8. Jules says:

    Bruxelles IS the French name for Brussels. It might be the name of a big comic store (since there are quite a few of them in Brussels), but alas it doesn’t ring any bells for me. I know there is one called Brüsel (, but that’s not even close spelling-wise, and a Google search has turned out to be a bit futile, LOL.

  9. --MC says:

    Tried and did not find any info on your Brussels appearence, but here’s the blurb on tomorrow’s show, from

    A l’occasion de son premier passage à Paris, rencontre-signature avec Alison Bechdel pour la parution de son roman graphique Fun Home. Une tragicomédie familiale (Denoël Graphic). L’auteure des fameux “comic strips” Dykes to watch out for (10 albums publiés en anglais) s’est lancé avec éclat dans le roman graphique avec l’histoire de sa relation à son père au fil de son enfance et de son adolescence. Un père dont elle suppose qu’il s’est suicidé à l’âge de 44 ans et dont elle découvre l’homosexualité cachée. Alison Bechdel trace avec délicatesse et humour sa jeunesse et l’éveil de son propre lesbianisme liée à sa passion des livres qu’elle partageait avec son père. Comme toujours, scénario et dessins sont précis, expressifs, fourmillant de détails qui révèlent une atmosphère au delà de l’histoire. Fun Home a été publié en feuilleton cet été dans Libération et sera présenté en primeur à Violette and Co.

  10. SP says:

    Hey, In Brussels you can go to the Comics Museum – Centre Belge de la Bande Dessinée

    Ah, to be in the city of Tintin.

  11. Chris says:

    Hey, somewhere in here you forgot to close your bold tag, so the rest of the entire page is in bold. Just thought you should know.

  12. liza from pine street art works says:

    Years ago there was a feminist bookstore in Brussles. I can’t believe I’ve forgotten the name but you could ask around. I actually became friends with the wonderful women who ran it when I spent six weeks teaching in Bruxelles in the eighties. It was a terrific store that had books in French and Flemmish and, as bookstores often do, became a network central for lesbians in Brussles. If you find it, or find what became of the owners, I’d love to know. Or, more likely, some of you reading this blog know about it.

  13. liza from pine street art works says:

    Voila! I found it on a google search. Artemys. Of course. Alors, mes amies qui habitent en Belge, est ce que L’Artemys toujour existe?

    Fractured French, I know, but I’m trying.

  14. J. J. says:

    After going from Paris to Brussels, the next logical stop would be Amsterdam. Please tell us you’re coming to visit us here in the Netherlands.

  15. Tineke says:

    Living in Brussels I can inform you that:
    – the Comic book store you are looking for is indeed Brüsel, this is their website: It’s just around the corner for me, so I’ll definitely go there.
    – Artemys, the feminist book store (with lesbian department), doesn’t exist anymore unfortunately.
    – You can find more (touristical) information on Brussels on of

  16. Anouk says:

    The next logical stop seems to be the lesbian day (, November 4th, in Ghent.

  17. Oxana says:

    Great idea! Please Alison?… Anything we can do to convince you?

  18. Tineke says:

    We asked her, but she can’t come to Ghent for the Absolutely Lesbian Day ( She’s back in the States already…