July 21st, 2006
God. I’ve been meaning to put this up since yesterday. Finally, at 4pm, I’ve gotten around to it. Thanks, as ever, to Nichael for hosting the large-print version. [Episode 491 is now visible here.]
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July 21st, 2006

On Monday I drove nine hours to Pennsylvania. On Tuesday I met a reporter who’s doing a story about Fun Home and wanted to see the actual house I grew up in, and that my father so painstakingly restored. The place is for sale. It was very odd being there because in many ways, it’s just the same as it was when my mom sold it over twenty years ago. The trees and shrubs and flowers are badly in need of pruning, though. They’re threatening to swallow the place up.
Just like, upon my return to Vermont, my sadly neglected email and lawn are threatening to swallow me up. I have so many things to do, I can’t seem to begin any of them.