Archive for March 20th, 2007

DTWOF episode #506

March 20th, 2007

506 detailHere’s the episode I wrote before leaving for Miami. Today I’m going to try and figure out how to do the next one on the road in Albuquerque. I have to go find art supplies, then a Kinko’s or some place that can scan the drawings when I’m done. I’m not sure whether I’m going to manage it before my vacation officially begins on Thursday. Is all this backstory annoying you? Maybe I should just post the cartoons and shut up.

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Basket case out of Carolina

March 20th, 2007

If one has to be stranded, Charlotte was a nice enough place for it. But there was something deeply disturbing and disorienting about my forced sojourn there. I was starting to feel like Ishmael on the becalmed Pequod. Yesterday, thank god, the wind picked up, and I blew out of there. Read the rest of this entry »