October 29th, 2008
I’m listening to Obama’s infomercial. Whatever he’s selling, I’m buying.
How’s everybody doing? God, I need some Tums.
October 18th, 2008
I’ve been trying to find a way to show how I write comics in Adobe Illustrator. It’s very hard to explain without actually, um, illustrating what I’m doing. I experimented with Read the rest of this entry »
October 16th, 2008

1. I got my advance copy of The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For the other day. See? All my various collections squeezed through a funnel into one large, handsome, hardcover tome.
Read the rest of this entry »
October 8th, 2008

I don’t know what this picture is about. I’m just trying to get your attention.
A few items:
1. Apparently we should not be complacent about the CA marriage initiative–things aren’t looking good.
2. Google has their first index from 2001 up, for their anniversary. I couldn’t help checking to see how many hits I had then–1,460–and now–171,000. Two orders of magnitude! Not bad.
3. Uh…but then I googled Sarah Palin. In 2001–zero. Today? 22,100,000.
October 7th, 2008
I’m having trouble staying on top of the spam, folks. These drug links keep taking over my posts and eliminating the comment box…I go in and delete it, but the comment function won’t come back. So until I can come up with a proper solution I’ll just keep opening new posts in case anyone wants to comment.
October 6th, 2008

[I’m re-posting the last post, ‘you do not have to be good’ because some pharmaceutical spammer seems to have lodged a zillion links in it. I was able to delete them, but the comment box is still disabled. So I’m just opening a new post.]
This morning, in the biography of William James that I’ve been making my way through at the pace of about two paragraphs a day for the past year, he described the New England autumnof 1908 as “heartbreaking in its sentimentality.” And indeed, even one hundred years of disastrous human history and climate change later, the foliage is so spectacular, it’s almost maudlin. Here’s the moose yesterday, carrying Mt. Abe on her shoulders.
And here’s a movie I made this afternoon while I was yanking up roots from the garden and flocks of wild geese honked by overhead.
Check out my pal Phranc’s daily variety show on YouTube. If Mister Rogers and Peewee Herman gave birth to a l’il bulldagger, this is what she’d be like.
October 5th, 2008

This morning, in the biography of William James that I’ve been making my way through at the pace of about two paragraphs a day for the past year, he described the New England autumnof 1908 as “heartbreaking in its sentimentality.” And indeed, even one hundred years of disastrous human history and climate change later, the foliage is so spectacular, it’s almost maudlin. Here’s the moose yesterday, carrying Mt. Abe on her shoulders.
And here’s a movie I made this afternoon while I was yanking up roots from the garden and flocks of wild geese honked by overhead.
Check out my pal Phranc’s daily variety show on YouTube. If Mister Rogers and Peewee Herman gave birth to a l’il bulldagger, this is what she’d be like.
October 2nd, 2008
Something’s going on with that last post–you can’t make comments on it. Let’s see if you can on this one.
October 1st, 2008

If you’re in NYC, get yourself to the First Annual Sarah Palin Book Club Fundraiser at Cattyshack! Thursday night October 2! 7pm! Help raise some much-needed dough for the Lambda Literary Organization.