jiminy christmas

July 7th, 2008 | Uncategorized

mail comic
I just went to the Post Office after being away for almost two weeks. The postmaster said “What’s going on?” because I had a bushel of letters. I was a bit alarmed until I remembered the Daily Distress thing–these are all requests for copies of the fake newspaper!

I’m very touched that there’s such a demand–and now I’m worried that you’ll all be disappointed. It’s just a flimsy four-page thing, designed to promote the book to booksellers at a big publishing convention last month. Katie’ll get ’em off to you all asap. Um…I hope I have enough. I think I do.

30 Responses to “jiminy christmas”

  1. Mame says:

    We are rapid fans.

  2. Kate L says:

    … and rabid fanatics !

  3. Duncan says:

    What!? It’s not a perfect-bound 180-page paperback with nekkid pictures of the author? I want my money back!

    … Seriously, I am pretty sure I won’t be disappointed.

  4. The Cat Pimp says:

    Its all just a lot of fun is what it is. I look forward to my care package. Pat the cat for me. She’s a cutie!

  5. April says:

    Glad to see your kitty has the proper level of empathy.

  6. Liza Cowan says:

    Um, do those of us with ads in it get one too?

  7. julissa says:

    i can’t wait!!! your kitty is cute and your floor looks lovely to slide on (with socks?).

  8. Liza, Jeezum, I keep meaning to bring some by your gallery. I will tomorrow or Wednesday! I’ve been out of town or I would have done so sooner.

  9. JJFLAP says:

    My cat, Rachel, would like to inform you that while Humming Birds have some meat on them, they are very frustrating to stalk…..& UN-catchable

  10. dzieger says:

    Once the dead-tree edition has been fully distributed, any chance you could post it here in glowing-pixel format?

  11. Birka says:

    yeah that would be great, because it`s kinda hard getting it to Norway (dont have any USA postage…)
    I would love to see it in the final version.

  12. Dale says:

    Hummingbird, hummingbird
    Art thou nice and meaty?
    That’s the rumour that I heard
    From my calico sweetie

  13. AndreaC says:

    Hee! Your not-quite-taking-the-lord’s-name-in-vain words are so entertaining.

    How could we be disappointed when we’ve already seen all the great content posted here?

  14. Cheryl says:

    repeating my question from the last post in hopes Alison will answer: Can you comment on similarities/differences of being recognized for your work vs. always being aware people “know” and monitor you growing up in a small town?

  15. Leda says:

    Hello, I’m adding my voice to that of dzieger and birka, can we have a non-dead tree online version of the Daily Distress? I’m in the UK so didn’t try for an actual artifact (boohoo) but would love to see it! When you have a minute after all that envelope stuffing, that is…

  16. Ian says:

    I’d put all the excitement down to strip addicts being denied their fortnightly fix AB.

  17. Boyles says:

    Do you get to keep the Postal Service box? It’s kinda cool…

  18. Juliet says:

    Ohh, the BBC did a programme today called Tintin’s Guide to Journalism! A documentary about how reporters have been inspired by the ‘kid with a quiff’:


    I love Radio 4!


  19. Ellie says:

    I picked a copy of the Distress up at the ALA conference last month. Lots of fun. I’m glad they sent some along for the librarians.

  20. The Other Andi says:

    Alison, I just got my copy of the Distress in the mail today. Thank you so much! It’s very cute. Thank you also for the DTWOF sticker!

  21. cybercita says:

    i got mine, too. thanks! it’s wonderful, even if they didn’t include my article {sob}.

  22. Grisha says:

    When I was a kid, one of our cats climbed up a tree to try and eat baby birds out of the nest. Our mom pushed him off with a broom and said “Cicaro, you’re acting like an animal!”

  23. Oak says:

    Does this mean that if I’m in Burlington, VT, I can go into Pine Street Art Works and get a Daily Distress now? No SASE required? And get to see all the other fabulous art? Cool.

  24. Aunt Soozie says:

    What happened to the post that followed this one???
    It vanished.

  25. Aunt Soozie says:

    Oh… maybe tmi disclosed for the whole gosh dang world to examine like a where’s waldo puzzle??
    someone noticed a pair of panties under one of the books?
    or Alison’s list of family phone numbers scrawled on a wayward notepad?

  26. shadocat says:

    Maybe it’s a “Wild Kingdom” weekend? I’m just glad someone else noticed, and I’m not losing it…

  27. --MC says:

    Are y’all able to post here? I note that this thread hasn’t updated since yesterday morning, and while the other thread is back, it has no option to reply.

  28. shadocat says:

    I’m having the same problem…hopefully someone will notice soon.

  29. Aunt Soozie says:

    Maybe Alison chose to close that post to any more comments??
    Just when I wanted to say.. re: crocs…
    I don’t think those who wear crocs think they are beautiful looking.
    I think croc wearers wear crocs because they are comfortable and practical.
    Sometimes it’s more important to have comfy feet… even if it makes you look like Gumby.

  30. shadocat says:

    I don’t thik she wanted to close the post; my theory is she’s out having a great time and doesn’t know the whole thing has gone kafloo-ey. Or she’s really in the middle of reorganizing,and doesn’t know the whole thing has gone kafloo-ey. And I think crocs are fabulous darling; mine are dark blue.