My New Book
April 9th, 2021 | Uncategorized

My new book, The Secret to Superhuman Strength, will launch on May 4. But you can pre-order it at any of these places. I’m sorry to be flogging it in this flagrant manner, but pre-orders are apparently very important in the book world these days.
Bunns and Noodle Barnes and Noble is offering signed copies here.
Here’s the Indiebound link. Indiebound, in case you don’t know, is a great way to order from your local independent bookstore.
If you want to buy from a women’s bookstore, here’s the link to it on Women and Children First’s site.
And here it is on This site gives some of the money back to independent bookstores!
And apparently you can also get it from Apple. In what I presume is a digital version. Hmmm. I haven’t seen this yet, so don’t know how legible it will be.
Soon I’ll announce my big Virtual Tour. I’m doing a bunch of events with some lovely interlocutors–all via Zoom from my basement, alas. But still.
2 Responses to “My New Book”
Ordered! Looking forward to it!
Praise Buddha, thank God and whoopee!
We met you in Troy, NY, when you were speaking at a community college. The “we” here is my family. Our daughter flew home from college for the experience to meet you, which might indicate how deeply grateful we are for you and your work.
You gave us the language we needed when our child was coming out. Thank you.
New book? We’ll give it to everyone we know.