Archive for May 26th, 2006

Phone message from my mom

May 26th, 2006

I’m having trouble getting YouTube to embed in my new blog, so if you want to hear this you’ll have to leave the site. It’s not a video, really, it’s the only way I could figure out how to record this phone message from my mom on the day I did the Entertainment Weekly photo shoot–catch the aside she makes to someone in the room as she’s hanging up.

Entertainment Weekly?!!

May 26th, 2006

There’s a review of Fun Home in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, along with a fancy photo which necessitated my flying to NYC a couple weeks ago. I blogged about the whole experience back on May 12, but EW didn’t want me to mention it before the issue came out so I took the post down…but now I’ll put it back up. I’ll indent it because Read the rest of this entry »