Archive for June 21st, 2006

Tuesday afternoon

June 21st, 2006

satellite 1

This is a view out the window from the Sirius Satellite Radio studio in midtown, where I went for an interview on the Michelangelo Signorile show. It’s weird doing radio interviews. A sort of out-of-body experience. I have no idea what I said. Their offices were terribly fancy. See my name on the screen?

satellite 2

Then for something completely different, we drove way over practically into the Hudson to the cable access station.


I was on Ann Northrop’s and Andy Humm’s delightful news show Gay USA. I love those guys! I get their show at home in the hinterlands on satellite tv, and it makes me feel like I actually know what’s going on. We had a really nice conversation about Fun Home. I’m not sure when it airs, but I’ll try and figure it out.

Tuesday morning

June 21st, 2006


Yesterday was so complicated I’m going to have to make multiple posts. In the morning, I went to Christopher Street to meet a guy from Newsday for an interview. A photographer came too, and took pictures of me in Sheridan Square, which figures into a scene in Fun Home. As does the legendary Stonewall Inn. This used to be a bagel place when I lived here in the eighties. Now it appears to be a bar again. Here’s what it looked like in 1969.

stonewall cartoon