July 13th, 2006
I know Fun Home has gotten a lot of good reviews, but this article by Hillary Chute in the Village Voice is excellent. She really gets the book. A most gratifying sensation indeed.
July 13th, 2006
I’ve been trying to post about the reading I did last night at a local independent bookstore, Bear Pond Books in Montpelier. But I’m feeling immobilized. Partly from all the email and snail mail and bills that have been piling up while I’ve been flying around the country. Partly by the news, which I’ve been too distracted to follow closely. Now the reports from Gaza and Mumbai are making posts about my book tour seem a little ridiculous. I know, you’re not checking in here for insights on the international situation. But I had to get that off my chest.
The Bear Pond reading was very pleasant. I love this bookstore. I even like their bunting.