June 30th, 2007
Hey, look. The Clustrmap is working again. Unfortunately, it seems to be starting over from scratch, and not resuming at the point where it shut down many months ago. Still, there’s rather an impressive sprinkling of dots. It’s funny to look at it because I was just examining this cool old schoolroom map of the world that I bought at Liza’s gallery, Pine Street Art Works, the other day.

I’m trying to figure out when it was printed by the countries and cities on it. All I can tell so far is that it’s post-Russian revolution and pre-World War II.
June 28th, 2007

It’s the end of my book tour. I’m getting ready to check out of my fancy NYC hotel and return to my real life, but I don’t want to waste this incredible view I have of the city. So, here.
The reading last night at the Happy Ending Bar was just as hip Read the rest of this entry »
June 27th, 2007
Is your Pride incorporated?
Read the rest of this entry »
June 27th, 2007

Here’s the audience a little before my talk at the Free Library last night. Not everyone was there yet. More people came to this reading (on my paperback tour) than came to the one I did here last year. Which is really Read the rest of this entry »
June 26th, 2007

If you’re in New York and have nothing better to do, come to my reading tomorrow night (6/27). I’ll be part of the Happy Ending Reading Series at the Happy Ending bar. It looks like it might be kinda groovy, Read the rest of this entry »
June 26th, 2007

Yesterday was the Stonewall Awards brunch, where the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Round Table of the American Library Association presented me with the Israel Fishman nonfiction award for Fun Home. Andrew Holleran won the fiction award for his book Grief, but he wasn’t there. It was a great honor, and a lot of fun hanging with the librarians.
I went to the ALA convention itself for a while in the afternoon and signed books. Then in the evening I did a reading a signing at Lambda Rising which turned out to be really great. At first it felt like it was going to be a disaster–there weren’t that many people, and I was in an awkward space right up by the door to the street and it was noisy. But as the reading went along, more and more people came in, and the room got quieter and quieter and the chaotic store turned into a rapt audience. It was cool. I don’t have any pictures of the nice people because I had my hands full juggling my powerpoint and signing books and stuff. We sold all their books except for one volume of DTWOF.
Then some of the ALA GLBTRT folks took me out to Ruth’s Chris steak house. (no, I am not a vegetarian, though I was for a long time.) Those librarians can get pretty raucous.
June 26th, 2007
Sunday was interesting. It was Pride in NYC, and the MoCCA comics festival was happening at the same time. So these two strands of my life sort of intersected. Read the rest of this entry »
June 24th, 2007
Man. Sorry about the problems with the site, everyone. This is the first second I’ve had to post. Thursday night I drove down to Brattleboro to do a reading for Everyone’s Books. Read the rest of this entry »
June 22nd, 2007
[Update: Site visitor “Yoj La Rosz” provided a more effective Google cache search which resulted in a more complete reckoning of the commentary on DTWOF Episode #509. Thank you very much.]
[Update: Post and comment restore complete. Thank you for your patience.]
Hello DTWOF readers. The server encountered a glitch last night. I’m currently working to re-upload the missing posts and comments. I am sorry for the inconvenience and hope to have this resolved shortly.
Thank you for your patience.
June 19th, 2007

Pretty deer will come do it for you. I found this one browsing on my jewel weed this morning.