June 25th, 2008

Okay, I feel bad for Ellen O and anyone else who was out combing th’ convenience store aisles for Entertainment Weekly. I got the go-ahead to post this essay I just did for their 1000th issue. I forgot to mention the best part–my memoir Fun Home is number 68 on their list of “new classic” books from the past 25 years. Read the rest of this entry »
June 24th, 2008

Hot off th’ press! Here’s the edition of the Daily Distress that my publisher printed up to promote The Essential Dykes To Watch Out For to booksellers. Thank you again a zillion times to everyone who contributed to it. UPS just delivered the copies today. I’m sorry, but Katie and I have had a hard time coordinating our schedules and she’s still working on contacting everyone who submitted an article or an ad. The folks whose work made it into the final version will be receiving a copy shortly, along with the original cartoon artwork of their choice. And everyone else who submitted something that didn’t make it into the issue, we’ll be contacting you soon to get your snail mail address so we can send you a copy.
I’ll have some copies left over, so if anyone wants one, mail a self-addressed, stamped envelope to me at PO Box 215, Jonesville, VT, 05466. If you don’t want it all folded into origami, send a big 9 x 12 one. Dunno how much postage that’ll take. Two stamps? Three?
June 21st, 2008

Lookit! I have a four page story in the latest Entertainment Weekly. It’s for their 1000th issue, whose theme is “The New Classics.” The issue lists the 1000 best movies, tv shows, albums, books, and other cultural products of the last 25 years. My piece goes with the book section, and it’s about my experience of not being able to read books once someone tells me I have to. Umm..I don’t know if I’m allowed to put it online…it’s only in the print edition of the magazine. I realize this is annoying, to tell you about it if you can’t see it. But I’m just excited. And maybe you get the magazine anyway, so you can check it out. Or, you know, go buy it!

June 17th, 2008

I’ve been meaning to do a formal post here about the Amazon Bookstore in Minneapolis closing. As I sat down to do this just now, Read the rest of this entry »
June 14th, 2008

Hey, sorry I disappeared. I’ve had rather a whirlwind week. I’m posting this from JFK airport on my way home after spending yesterday and today in NYC. Read the rest of this entry »
June 2nd, 2008
Okay, this might disillusion you but I have to confess that I’m a total SATC junkie. I never watched it when it was originally airing, just had no interest in it. And then when I finally rented first season 3 or 4 years ago I couldn’t understand what the fuss had been about… Read the rest of this entry »