July 29th, 2008

I keep referring here to this upcoming anthology that I did an essay for, State by State: A Panoramic Portrait of America. But I feel like I haven’t explained it properly. If you click that link you’ll go to the review Publisher’s Weekly just did. It describes the project very concisely and coherently. Plus my essay gets a nice little mention.
The image above is a detail of the map that accompanies my piece.
July 27th, 2008

Perhaps it will not surprise you to learn that a hornrimmed, IKEA instruction-manual fetishizing geek such as myself has never been a big devotee of the rock and roll. But last night I went to a Melissa Etheridge concert, and I was…how do you say…rocked out. Read the rest of this entry »
July 25th, 2008

I’m almost done with my office reorganization, which I began a month ago. The last stage was putting together this desk I ordered from IKEA. When I got Read the rest of this entry »
July 21st, 2008

I’m so pumped about my file purge, I can’t stop organizing.
July 18th, 2008
Ahhhh. A Friday night in July. Are you down at the bandstand taking in a concert? Taking your kayak off the roof rack? Grilling salmon and sipping chardonnay? Attending a screening of “The Dark Knight?” Probably not. Based on our comprehensive web analytics, you’re most likely reading this blog to avoid work on your dissertation. Read the rest of this entry »
July 16th, 2008

Here’s a little movie about my progress with the office reorg.
July 15th, 2008
I went to Pride on Saturday. For the first time in a couple of years, I must confess. I had to go see Holly marching in the Maple Leaf Contingent.

Duct tape. In case you were wondering.
Here’s another view—The House of LeMay, a local drag queen troupe, took all these pix from their float, Read the rest of this entry »
July 15th, 2008

I don’t know what’s going on with the blog…that last post has disappeared a couple times, and now it seems to have lost its comment box. Let’s see what happens with this one.
July 10th, 2008
I’ve finally carved out time to work on my new book—the one that’s due in a little over a year. No more comic strip deadlines, or other pressing assignments. All I have to do is write. So, what better time to repaint my office floor? Read the rest of this entry »
July 7th, 2008

I just went to the Post Office after being away for almost two weeks. The postmaster said “What’s going on?” because I Read the rest of this entry »