November 10th, 2008

Here I am at Wordstock in Portland yesterday talking to the awesome young cartoonists Erika Moen, on the left, and Dylan Meconis, in the middle, and Dylan’s gf Katie. Portland is such a hotbed of comics and also of queerness, it was quite overwhelming.
So I’m out on this book tour and I’ve been going so flat out I Read the rest of this entry »
November 10th, 2008
If you’re in San Francisco, please come to my reading tonight at Booksmith! 1644 Haight St., 7:30pm.
Tomorrow, Tuesday November 11, I’ll be at the UC Berkeley Bookstore at 4pm. This is in the Student Union, apparently, at the corner of Bancroft Way and Telegraph Ave.
Wednesday the 12th I’ll be in Los Angeles at Book Soup, 8818 Sunset Blvd. at 7pm.
Thursday the 13th, Chicago! Women and Children First, 7:30 pm.
Then I go home and wash out my leotard, (I’ll send a prize to the first person who gets that reference) and it’s off to New York on Monday.
I’ll be at the Upper West Side Bunns and Noodle on Monday November 17th at 7pm.
Tuesday evening the 18th I’ll be at Lesley College University in Cambridge doing a reading for the Center for New Words.
And Wednesday the 19th I’ll be in Northampton at the Broadside Bookshop at 7pm.