Mission: Buy
December 2nd, 2004 | Uncategorized
This is the mission statement of the Center for New Words: “To use the power and creativity of words and ideas to strengthen the voice of progressive and marginalized women in society.” You can support this noble aim and at the same time get some gift-shopping out of the way by going to their online celebrity auction. You can bid on an original DTWOF strip. Or perhaps you would rather have Katha Pollitt edit your manuscript. Or Dorothy Allison record your answering machine message. It all ends on December 8, so go check it out.
2 Responses to “Mission: Buy”
Cool! Thx.
And not to brag or anything (oh, ok! To brag, boast, and generally rub it in!), I already *have* a DTWOF original. Mo and Harriet’s first night.
If, G-d forbid, there is a fire, I’ll grab my girlfriend, my dogs, and my gorgeous orange album with the DTWOF art in it. The only existing photo of my great-grandmother just isn’t as important. 
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