Archive for June 22nd, 2006

The Sahara, the rain forest, Siberia, and Greenland

June 22nd, 2006

What do these places have in common? Click on the little map feature in the sidebar and discover for yourself.


Oh, someone asked in a previous post what time zone the comments are set to, and it looks to me like GMT.

Wednesday, NYC

June 22nd, 2006

oscar wilde countertop display

It’s a good thing I’ve been blogging this tour because otherwise I’m not sure I’d remember it. Today I had a podcast, two signings, and a long, intense newspaper interview with a woman who did her doctoral dissertation on autobiographical comics. One signing was just a quick drop-by at the Oscar Wilde Memorial Book Shop, the pole star by which I orient myself in New York City. Where they had this cool countertop display for my book which I hadn’t seen before. It’s a little die-cut house. Then I hung out at Bluestockings, a radical bookstore on the lower east side that sells  books on everything from feminism and gender stuff to black liberation and democracy studies. I hung out in front of the “alternative menstrual products” and talked to people and signed books.

Tuesday night

June 22nd, 2006


God, I’m starting to get pretty fried. It’s Wednesday night and I’m just getting around to blogging Tuesday night. So here I am speaking at The Center in NYC to a very attentive bunch of people. It felt to me like there was a particular resonance to the evening, perhaps because this is the city where I first started cartooning nine thousand years ago.

After the event, I went out with a bunch of cartoonists for dinner.


That’s me, Mikhaela Reid, Joan Hilty and her girlfriend Nancy Goldstein, and Jen Camper.