June 3rd, 2006
Thanks to Andrew Burday and Nichael Cramer for identifying the coding problem. My web guy is going to fix it soon. In the meantime, you can try switching browsers. Netscape works, Explorer doesn’t. And Firefox is best of all.
Oh, and some people have been concerned about why I ask for your email address when you make a comment. You don’t have to put anything there, just leave the forms blank and you’ll come through as ‘anonymous.’ I think the way the comments form is set up now is just a default thing. I’ll try and make it more friendly and explanatory at some point.
June 1st, 2006

I’m posting from LaGuardia airport, while I wait for my third flight of the day to take me back to VT. I have 15 minutes before boarding. I just wanted to say that I had a really great time in Tucson. It was totally worth all the travel hassles. First of all, I got there in time to swim in the pool. I haven’t been swimming in I don’t know how many years.
And then an astonishingly large and enthusiastic crowd came to my talk at the library. I was braced for a similar showing to the one I got at the Dallas Public Library last October. Ten people came to that, and seven of them were librarians. But there was a whole mess of people last night in Tucson. I did a two part presentation–first I talked about Dykes to Watch Out For, then I read from Fun Home. It was the first time I’ve done a public reading from Fun Home, and I was surprised by its somber tone. But people really seemed to like it. Here I am signing books after.

June 1st, 2006
I think if you click on the image, you’ll get taken to the larger version on Flickr. Sorry, we’ll get this sorted out soon so it’s easy for everyone to see. [Situation is sorted out now] Read the rest of this entry »