April 30th, 2008

It’s time to post next strip, but it’s not done. It’s not even started. I’m sorry. Here’s my excuse.
April 25th, 2008

How about that?! Zinnias. Planted Sunday, came up Thursday. Well, one did. Today there are a whole bunch up.
April 22nd, 2008

We must cultivate our garden. Read the rest of this entry »
April 18th, 2008

Today I decided to let my cat be an outside cat.
April 15th, 2008

This is rather extraordinary given the recent discussion in the archival kisses post about old Read the rest of this entry »
April 15th, 2008

Jeezum! Is it time for another episode already? Read the rest of this entry »
April 13th, 2008
Here’s the cat walking across my keyboard as I was writing this very long, rambling post to make up for the fact that I’ve been such a slacker here.

Read the rest of this entry »
April 5th, 2008

Apropos of that last thread I thought I would share this short film, The Story of a Fierce Bad Cat.
April 2nd, 2008
If like me you have spent guilty hours looking at this, you should look at this.
April 1st, 2008

Lukewarm off the scanner. Read the rest of this entry »