Thank you all so much for the magnificent digressions on the last post. Sorry I kinda disappeared. I’ve been working on a review for the New York Times Book Review–a graphic review of a regular book! I’m not sure when it’s coming out, but I’ll keep you posted. And I just took a short road trip to Colby College in Maine, about which I was compelled to create this little slide show for you.
Since I stopped writing Dykes To Watch Out For last spring, I really haven’t been following current events very closely. This seems like the sort of thing one should not admit in public, so I’m not sure why I’m telling you. I didn’t know about the flap over Read the rest of this entry »
Whoever makes a coherent comment incorporating all the random items that comprise this post WINS!
1. Last night I went to Outright Vermont, our local queer youth organization, for their annual celebration and awards ceremony. Here are some pix taken by the board chair, who is also a professional photographer.
2. Here’s my cat watching a hairy woodpecker this afternoon. She hurls herself against this window fifty times a day, but I have yet to capture that part on video.
A whole buncha people emailed me yesterday about this article in the New York Times about womyn’s land. Yes, with a ‘y’. Yes, in the Times. Also, I just noticed Ready2agitate linked to it on the last post. Thank you all.
It’s a pretty cool piece. True, it’s about the increasing rarity of womyn’s rural communities, and their aging and dwindling populations. And true, it’s in the “Fashion and Style” section. But whatever. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a thoughtful, respectful look at real lesbian lives in such a mainstream forum. And I’ve certainly never seen the idea of lesbian separatism given any air time whatsoever unless it was to skewer it. There’s a little bit of a “quaint and outmoded” vibe to the article, but it doesn’t poke fun at these women.
Also, there’s a great slide show with narration by the dykes who live at Alapine, a lesbian-only community in rural Alabama.