Some local Vermont things…

July 9th, 2006 | Uncategorized

I’m going to be on VPR on Monday afternoon talking to Neal Charnoff about Fun Home. It’s tentatively scheduled for 4:50, on the local news programming they slot into All Things Considered. I’ll probably miss it. I’m flying back to VT from Chicago on Monday, and my flight theoretically gets in at 4:39. But it’ll be available for download, and I’ll post that here. Just in case you’re not sick to death of hearing about me and my book and my sordid family history yet.

And I’m going to read at Bear Pond Books in Montpelier on Tuesday the 11th at 7pm.

And also at the Peace and Justice Store in Burlington on Friday the 14th. Also at 7pm, I think.

9 Responses to “Some local Vermont things…”

  1. towheedork says:

    Just in case you’re not sick to death of hearing about me and my book and my sordid family history yet.

    Sick, no. “Steeped”, maybe, but voluntarily. The product of your bravery, or obsessiveness, or desire for catharsis, whatever, re: your family is fuel for the fan flames, true (how many of us have scuttled back to “Indelible” to compare ‘n’ contrast? never mind the reading and re-reading lists we’re racking up). And I think it’s all also helping a lot of us think about and deal with our own family histories. Human stories, you know? You do it so well. Thank you.

  2. Hi, Towhee dork! Thank you.

  3. towheedork says:

    (Here’s the drift warning. Vermont, I’m sorry.)

    Great. I’m supposed to be preparing to move house, but instead I’m still caught up in Amazon swooniness and thus wasting lots of time online. Behold one simple response to one of my well-meant and poorly-written comments, and I spaz and my girlfriend moons around singsonging “Alison Bechdel liiikes you, Alison Bechdel liiikes you”.

    As Dylan says, yes, ladies and gentlemen, we are all complete idiots.

    Again, Alison, happy touring/homecoming, and try not to mind all of us. We’re mostly harmless.

  4. NLC says:

    By the way, for those interested in trying to catch
    the interview live, VPR does a netcast:
    (relevant links in the upper-left corner of the page).

  5. towheedork says:

    Hi, Towhee dork! Thank you.

    Ahem, I mean, you’re welcome. Even though it (“sick to death” etc.) sure looked like a rhetorical comment (er?) and you know all that already and hundreds of people are telling you just what I said every day. Only much better worded.

    (really, it’s just the “hi” that sent me and my GF into fits. She said “hi”! Whoa! It Must Mean Something! Heh. You know. And now, watch me go do what I’m supposed to be doing, and not lurk around here any more like a possessed fangirl, and bite my tongue (fingers?) about thrushes and moose and ghettoizing and Pergolesi and Major Taylor and all the other things that you’ve made me think about but with which I shan’t bother you or your readers unless I can make at least some grammatical sense in doing so. Really. That’s all, folks.)

  6. Anon geek says:

    I love the site map. People in Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan visited this site.

  7. Aunt Soozie says:

    towheedork…you can go girl…we get it.
    I liked what you said too, summed it up just fine,
    and in fact, I passed Alison’s book onto my aunt who read it right up and then went and got a book by David Sedaris cause of the mention of his work on the cover and she said that was fab and she’s lending that book to me and she’s lending Alison’s book to my other Aunt and it goes on…

    I can’t seem to make the site map work…I can get to the map but then I can’t make it do anything? So, I still don’t know the answer to the riddle from way back…do you?

    Alison, speaking of local…will you let us know when the gallery opening will be for the Phranc show? Will you still be able to do that…with all of the busy and hub-bub?


  8. tania says:

    aunt soozie: the answer to the riddle is that the map doesn’t do anything! you just look at it and can compare the size of the red dots at various locations to the legend and see how many people are visiting from each locale. i know, i know. in this massively interactive land of the internets, it really does seem like it _should_ do something… but alas, it’s just straight-up data mapping.

  9. Aunt Soozie says:

    oh, my…thank you…
    I thought that I should be able to click on a dot and it would pop-up a window that would tell me how many people the dot represents and more detail as to where they are… : )
    Now, Alison’s riddle asked what three specific places had in common…I didn’t go back and look…but, I think one was Siberia…so, what was that answer oh computer gurinis or Ms. Bechdel???