Archive for September 9th, 2006

“Paper Play,” my art show with Phranc

September 9th, 2006

phranc & me

Phranc and I had the opening of our show “Paper Play” at the Pine Street Art Works in Burlington yesterday. It was part of the Art Hop, this big crazy weekend of open studios and bands playing and thousands of people walking around looking at art. That first picture is of me cutting out my giant lifesize drawing of Phranc. And here’s the finished cutout, next to the real Phranc.

phranc & phranc

Phranc exhibited some of her luscious paper clothing.

phranc of california

And I exhibited these giant drawings I’ve been making all summer. Since I spend all my time making tiny, carefully planned drawings for my comics, I gave myself an assignment to do one giant drawing a day, unpremeditated and freehand. I got 4 foot wide roll of Kraft paper and a sheet of plywood for an easel. And every day (more or less) this summer I made a drawing. So I picked the best ones to put in the show. My friend Val sewed hems in the tops and bottoms so I could put dowels in and turn them into scrolls. Then I hung them from a cable. Here’s my friend Linda looking at the installation.

linda with my giant drawings

And being a compulsive anal-retentive geek, I also compiled a little movie on YouTube of the entire series of 70 drawings in chronological order. Anyhow. Doing these monumental spontaneous drawings was really fun. And it really freed me up. I feel like my drawing has gotten more confident.

Phranc says I’m bloghappy. She’s staying with me and just went to have her shower. So I better sign off. But oh, here’s a video podcast of Phranc you should check out. She demonstrates how she makes her cardboard & paper clothes.